
The film is shaping up to be a likely Foreign Film Nominee (it will eventually lose to Toni Erdmann (Germany) or Elle (Paul Verhoeven finally winning an Oscar!), and is a longshot for Score, Adapted Screenplay and Director... still, I feel Rossy de Palma was the highlight of the film, and should be in the running for a Supporting Actress nomination... in a fair world, it would be her third, as she was also nom-worthy in both "Kika" and "The Flower of my Secret", in my opinion. But it won't happen...

Still, nice to see Almodovar back at the Oscar game, even if I feel he deserved it way more with "The Skin I Live In", which was amazing.


I reply myself... it was shocking to not see "Elle" and "Julieta" score the then-likely semi-finalist shortlist for Foreign Film. "Elle" will likely score a Best Actress nom - maybe win - for Isabelle Huppert, while "Julieta" will likely focus on getting a nom at Directing, Adapted Screenplay and/or Score, but those are more longshots than any other consideration. It's heard Almodovar is campaigning to get the noms, and he's normally quite good at that, and he needs the noms after "Julieta" underperforming at b.o. Awards buzz can get him a bigger US b.o. and for that he needs the film to be popping up at the media.


It got shafted. It didn't make the shortlist when the academy whittled their nominee picks down.
