MovieChat Forums > Julieta (2016) Discussion > My Spoilertastic Thoughts

My Spoilertastic Thoughts


A wonderful movie, I enjoyed it from the first frame, but just thought the ending was rushed. It was like they said "Oh no! We only have five minutes of film left! Let's kill off one of the grandchildren we haven't seen, giving Antia an insight into how Julieta must have felt, plus a last minute letter from Antia providing an address! Phew."

Other commenters have said "we don't NEED to see them reunited" - that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it all seemed a bit pat, a bit contrived and shoehorned into the last five minutes. That poor grandchild! Sacrificed in the name of plot resolution.

I'll remember it as a great movie, nonetheless.

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.


I don't feel the ending was rushed per se or that seeing the reunion was necessary, but we needed something more. There was such a huge build-up of emotions during the film, in comparison the ending feels too humble and quick. You expect an emotional climax at this point and it doesn't happen, so it feels very frustrating, a betrayal of sorts.

Perhaps the mistake was to have the letter read over the car scene. It should have been two distinct scenes. The reading of the letter should have been the key final scene and take place between Julieta and her daughter, through her written words. Seeing here reaction was important I feel.

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