
As much as I like Bruce Timm's Justice League work, I think I'm gonna sit this one out. The new DCU (and the recent animated films) is already dark enough, and I kind of hoped this would've led to some sort of crossover with the classic League. They get an "A" for at least trying something somewhat different though.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


So you are not going to even watch it?

I have gotten used to the Bourassa animation and I kinda want everything to made like that, but even though the old school animation in this film looks "past it's time" it does fit with the old JL series like a glove. And who knows what Timm might add in the story, I heard Burnett saying that this is 90 mins of "Easter Eggs" and that really excites me even more for this film.

"Come in, dispatch. Send more paramedics."


They can't use the "classic" JLA anymore, unfortunately. Luckily, Timm doesn't have to use the New 52 either...


Sadly I agree. I feel like this is one I might skip out on purchasing. Not only is it old animation but the story has been done before both in the Bruce Timm Justice League show and with DCU Direct to DVD film.

It just seems like a 22 minute episode stretched out to 90 minutes. Of course I hope I'm wrong and the script delivers something mature and innovative but so far my hopes are dampened by what I'm seeing so far.

The DEFINITIVE Word...formerly known as: I kill threads
