Katie pregnancy

I'm watching this on BBC at the moment and I seem to have missed something. Last I saw of Katie was her at the airport to go get some abortion then the story jumps 2 months and she is still pregnant. Why didn't she go to England? & was it explained?


It's been awhile since I saw it, but she may have just basically caved in to her parents' pressures against the termination. You are right. We saw her at the airport, then suddenly it's two months later and she's not had the termination.

You saw her at the airport, committed to doing it (even after her dad hid her passport to stop her from going).

We saw her boyfriend even show up to support her on the trip. But then we saw her parents, the unredeemable Bridget and her hapless Da, there, too.

And guess we were just left to presume it all got on top of her--all the parental pressure against it and then seeing her boyfriend there to support her. Well, just hope Katie didn't have the baby solely on the empty promises of help from the useless and unreliable bolter, Bridget, and the struggling might-be-back-in-prison-soon, Da!

We were not treated to the conversations that took place, nor hear from her afterward on screen.

But it was just clear she didn't go through with it. Was it all her parents' pressure? Seeing that her boyfriend was supportive? Or did she just have that moment when SHE decided?

We'll never know, I suppose....


