Smoking (SPOILERS)

It's interesting and funny (if second hand ciggie smoke weren't so dangerous to infants) to see Bridget sitting at the kitchen table smoking up a storm and putting her ciggie out in an ash tray filled with a pile of butts.

Then Vince lights up too.

Now, these are the couple who go on and on about how "safe" their "Lukey" is in THEIR hands and how he needs to be raised by his beloved maternal family like he's in good hands. What?

Hell, if Patricia and David want to get "Lukey" back by trying to infer they are not a fit family to rear him, why go to all the hysterics and falsely created "incidents?"

Just call the Social on them and tell them the poor baby is living in a smoke-infested nicotine hell breathing carcinogens from chain smokers every day! haha


Okay, tongue in cheek. But it is interesting to see that with all the arguments made on behalf of where "Lukey" needs to be raised, nobody ever mentions that in the dialogue, when there is so much awareness about second hand smoke and babies.

(Guess TV3 in Ireland doesn't want to raise that question when the audience they are trying to attract might be watching "Red Rock" sitting in their own lounges smoking up a storm with the baby in the crèche next to the smokers, haha.)

I cringe every time I see those filled up ash trays or Bridget chain smoking in the kitchen.


Okay, tongue in cheek. But it is interesting to see that with all the arguments made on behalf of where "Lukey" needs to be raised, nobody ever mentions that in the dialogue, when there is so much awareness about second hand smoke and babies.

It was harped on somewhat during series 1 when Katie announced she was pregnant. She told them they couldn't smoke around the baby once it arrived. I even think she threatened to move out.

But like many people in real life, it got dropped. I grew up in a family that sat smoking over babies, using their hands to wave the smoke away like it negated the effects.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.
