Can't believe its coming. Amazing.

Huh, so I found out about this last year but I just found out there were images of the characters released and that it will start in April.

I miss this show. Only watched up to Tamers which was and probably IS my favorite storyline and characters as of far but the originals always held a special place in my heart.

I hope its good, action packed, adult and just original and different and new. Season 2 wasn't that good sadly so I'm hoping elements of it are retconned for this series.

But yeah, can't wait.

Love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred. Then you can know pain - Pain


I just hope we get a decent dub of it.


I would be really happy just have the original cast back, Nearly all of them have said they would do it if asked. So here's hoping


I hope they retcon that awful epilogue from 02.


Right now, it's great to be a Digimon fan. :)

"Guys, we filmed the wrong book"-Peter Jackson on Bored Of The Rings
