DB cooper

Ok so I just watched the DB cooper case episode. I actually just learned about this from watching the white rabbit project where they showed it in one episode talking about heists. Obviously I found it pretty interesting so when I saw josh was going to check this out, I got excited. One thing that was very clearly different from the two shows was about the tie. Tom Kaye was featured on both shows. However, he stated two very different findings. Tom, in the white rabbit project, said the they found titanium and Tom said that could put him in some short aviation production. On Expedition Unknown, Tom first said he needed help from Josh to examine the particles. Later Josh checked back with Tom and Tom said he found evidence that related to CRT tubes. Putting DB cooper in some sort of TV screen manufacturing area. So wait what? Two different shows with the same guy telling two different findings of evidence. Why?


I think it stands to reason that the white rabbit project episode might have been shot before the expedition unknown episode, before the crt elements were discovered.


am I the only one who has a hard time believing Josh has better contacts, or persuasive abilities, to find a lab to process the tie particles, than the guy who used those nubby things to pick up said particles? that seemed a bit of a stretch to me

....anyway, it's now in the news that the Rare Earth elements on the tie mean that "Cooper" (can we all just admit that name is a red herring?) may have worked for an airplane company, perhaps Boeing
