
Not the plot (haha, it's Lifetime). I'm referring to the fact that the chances a woman who looks like that would get a husband who looks like THAT are slim to none. Good for her!!!


Really I know some girls and guy who look average and gotten hot spouses!!


I know right. And not a very good actress either so not sure why they went with her.


She wasn't a terrible actress. I thought she was good at waking up and being really clueless about where her baby was. I had a feeling they would take it there, but she really played the whole scared/confusion thing very well. She made me feel scared right a long with her.


really clueless

you can't beat acting really clueless by being naturally clueless to begin with.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


She looked like his mother.


I don't think she's bad looking. Definitely had age on the husban, but I found her attractive. In looks it was a Julie Roberts/Elizabeth Perkins mix. A little bizarre but it worked.


Um they are the same age IRL. Ashley Bell is beautiful. She was just made up to look frazzled in this movie,


Agreed. I'm not getting the weird hate. Thought she did a fantastic job too.

Anybody remotely interesting is mad in some way


I thought the same. Her acting wasn't great and I also couldn't stop seeing her as Nell, her character in The last exorcism.
Which reminded me of how strange I also used to find it watching Sissy Spacek (who's a brilliant actress imo) act in films after I'd first saw her in Carrie. It took a long time before I stopped expecting her to send daggers flying with just one stare
