Emily Brontë...

...isn't just rolling over in her grave over this. She is trying to claw her way out to kill the people responsible for making it.

Speaking of which, I was actually hoping that in the final scene Cathy would wake up as a zombie and kill and eat Heath. That would have made the movie more bearable.

And another observation: Paloma Kwiatkowski reminds me of Kristen Stewart. Not physically in any way, but in the way she never changes expressions throughout the entire movie, never shows any emotion in her face, no matter what happens. Stone face acting.

I don't know, maybe females could relate to the "torn between two lovers" aspect of the movie. But as a male, I didn't care about any of the characters or what happened to them. It was a Lifetime movie, though, so my expectations were low to begin with. So I got what I expected.
