Change the name!

I've been leaving these guys messages for the last couple months. Avengers Grimm sounds incredibly stupid. Change it to Grimm Avengers! Duh! C'mon guys! Say it with me.....GRIMM AVENGERS!!
And there's also the fact that that they've obviously read a lot of Zenescope Comics.


They need to put Avengers first to sow maximum confusion among dummies and reap greatest advantage from them thinking it's a Marvel Avengers movie. Who could possibly be so dumb? Millions upon millions, especially among those whose first language isn't English. Asylum know this game well, it is after all their main line of business.


Missing the point, my friend.
The confusion will be the downfall (which I doubt there will be anyway) of this. Don't get me wrong. I love The Asylum movies! But you know that the "dummies" will bitch & moan over looking for The Avengers, buying this & crying that they want their money back.
It happens with a lot of their stuff. I know the name thing is great for them & it's an incredibly smart thing to do. But again....the confusion will suck and again....your dummies will complain as usual.

I think with this though -
1) The sale of Fairy Tale themed type movies, etc is a pretty good market right now. By using the name GRIMM in front of this it'll bring in that crowd. Plus put the "dummies" in their corner for not reading the title correctly.
2) Avengers Grimm just sounds stupid. (yeah, I said it)
Now Grimm Avengers....THAT has flair! ;-)

This is all a mute point since it's been released(I'm actually watching it now)it doesn't matter!
Good day, sir! Thanx for stoppin in! :-)


But you know that the "dummies" will bitch & moan over looking for The Avengers, buying this & crying that they want their money back.

Well, doh.




They won't get their money back. No one accepts return on DVDs and Games anymore because everyone knows how easier it would be to just buy, copy and return. All sales are final, they don't care how much hate mail they get about it - they'll cash in as much as possible by the confusion. At least until they make Sharknado 5


Did u really just answer that thinking that people aren't aware of that?
Of course no one takes DVD's back.


That was the point though, they want them to be confused and to buy this one thinking it is a Marvel movie. Once it is bought Asylum gets the money and it doesn't matter if the consumer is mad. They do this on purpose just look at Transmorphers, Terminators, Alien vs Hunter, AVH: Alien vs Hunter, I Am Omega and MANY others, they do this precisely because they want people to buy it thinking it is the real movie. They will always ignore you since clarifying the movie name makes them less money.


You were the one who said they should reverse the order of the title, because a lot of people will be stupid enough to think it's a Marvel Avengers movie and buy it, then cry for their money back.

If you agree they won't get their money back, then what the hell is the point of reversing the title? The Avengers is listed first to try and get people to buy it. Changing the title like you suggest would be stupid. It's written that way to make more money.

Matty: Cops are involved.
Chris Scarpa: Dirty f____ing cops.
Teddy Deserve: Yeah, he said cops.




Fortunately, no one outside the english-speaking world doesn't care about this kind of garbage


I care, I enjoy watching 'The Asylum' movies a lot, but I watch them with the notion they are very bad, and a lot of times I really enjoyed watching it (and would even be decend movies if they had a real budget)..
And no, I don't consider any of the asylum movies as a good movie.. But then again, a lot of the big hollywood blockbusters are sometimes even more crap than a regular Asylum movie, but it looks great.. (I almost found 'Atlantic rim' even better than 'Pacific rim' (but PR looked so SO much better, but the story was so SO much worse, LOL)..


I agree. I love Asylum movies. Some are way off from their Hollywood counterparts, some closer. But I like the the way some are kind of cheesy.
I always see them as good, not great. :-)


Thank you, grammar police!
I know it's moot but I've found out over the years that a lot of people have no idea what it means so I write MUTE since it seems to be a word everyone recognizes. Means the same thing so it doesn't lose anything in translation. :-)


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


-refraining from speech or temporarily speechless.
-characterized by an absence of sound; quiet.

(of a person) lacking the faculty of speech.

Moot point: A debatable question, an issue open to argument; also, an irrelevant question, a matter of no importance.

Don't be a *beep* moron.


1) I know u weren't talking to me.
2) This thread is about the name of a movie.
If you have nothing to contribute to that, Mr. Blueberry....please drop out.


Actually, I WAS talking to you. It's moot, not mute, and they don't mean the same thing, you dumb mouth breather. You're just too *beep* stupid to understand that, and I can say whatever I want. If you can't use the PROPER idiom, you deserve to get corrected, moron. Or is it moran for you?


Truly an @$$#0l3 I see. Perhaps if u knew how to read u'd realize how wrong u are. Although I'm sure people tell u how stupid u are all the time.
I didn't say that I thought that mute was the right way if saying it.
I said that other people do. I've seen people bitch about others using moot saying that it's mute. So I just write mute since mute means to silence, etc. pretty much the same meaning just different ways if saying it. Now Miss Blueberry...why did u even jump on this thread if all u wanted to do is give us an English lesson?


They do NOT mean the same thing, you MORON. Did you not read what I copy/pasted from the goddamn dictionary? I'm NOT WRONG, I GOT IT FROM THE DICTIONARY, something you should pick up and read sometime. You are, in fact, as dumb as you look.

I'm told I'm rather intelligent, quite often, actually. Since I know the difference between mute and moot. I also know how to spell "you" and "blackberry" as well.


You=u. I'm surprised that someone who claims to be so intelligent can't figure that one out. Blackberry....blueberry.....does it matter when you're such a dingleberry?
Moot,'s all the same, kid! If U can't understand that U really don't know much about the English language. Pretty strange. I'm guessing perhaps the people who are telling U how intelligent U are aren't much older than 10 years old?


It's spelled Y-O-U... but since you're so beeping stupid, let's try this again; mute and moot DO NOT MEAN THE SAME THING.

-refraining from speech or temporarily speechless.
-characterized by an absence of sound; quiet.
(of a person) lacking the faculty of speech.

MOOT POINT: A debatable question, an issue open to argument; also, an irrelevant question, a matter of no importance.

I've shared your utter stupidity on Grammar Nazis Anonymous, and here are some of the comments:

"His response betrays far more idiocy that the original mistake! Amazing."
"Native speakers, I mean, they're native beeping speakers."
"WHO is this idiot? I am in the mood for free vocabulary lessons."
" Finally! The point is silent, at long last. I thought it would never shut up!" (HINT: That's called SARCASM).

If you want to continue to be an ignorant mouth breather, all the power to you. But know, you're an idiot and you're wrong, and you're extremely amusing in your stupidity.

Also, check this website:

As an adjective, moot originally meant arguable or subject to debate. With this sense of moot, a moot point was something that was open to debate. But, since around 1900, the adjective has gradually come to mean of no importance or merely hypothetical. This usage arose out of an exercise in U.S. law schools involving the discussion of “moot” cases to practice argumentation.

In the common phrase moot point, moot means (1) of no importance or (2) merely hypothetical. This is where moot most often gets confused with the adjective mute, which means (1) refraining from making sound or (2) silent.

*******Mute point occasionally works as a bad pun, but it’s almost always a misspelling.******* (I can't emphasis this enough, since you're so damn stupid).


Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah? Aha! Blah, blah! Blah, blah, blah, blah!
Oh! Blah....blah!
Blaaaahhhh, blaaaaahhhh!

So speaks....The Berry!


Nice comeback, idiot! LOL!


U do realize that you're only embarrassing yourself, right?
Lighten up, Berry breath!
I'm still trying to understand why U decided to reply to this thread, which is about the name of a movie, with a lesson on the usage of words in the english language.
Maybe if U can tell us that U might be able to wipe some of the egg off your face.


LOL if you think I'M the embarrassing one, you really are very stupid. Ignorance is bliss. You must be very happy. Keep telling yourself you're not the idiot, and maybe, someday, in the far distant future, you won't be. I mean, you continue to spell YOU wrong, of all the words! Wow! I'm surprised you can spell any word at all, honestly. You have no idea how much I'm laughing at you. Too bad I have no interest in showing you. Just know that I am.

As for your question, I don't need a reason. Too many idiots like you on the internet but you happened to be the one I came across yesterday. Hopefully you'll learn what words really mean, and how to spell, but I don't really hold out much hope. However, maybe someone reading this might. Someone infinitely smarter than you.


So let me get this straight. U troll the net looking for people who misspell words & use words in the wrong way?
Do U really do that? Kinda sad, Mr. Blueberry!
I'm glad you're laughing! I think it's great that I can bring some happiness into someone's life! My good deed for the day is done! ;-)~

It's also strange that several times I told U that I know what MOOT & MUTE mean. The meaning isn't exact but it's close enough to help people understand what is being talked about.
Oddly enough some people do use the word MUTE in the way I did it in my older post. (which I know isn't correct) Sad but true. I'm in 100% agreement with U Mr. Blueberry!
I can't begin to tell U how many times people have used MUTE as a replacement for MOOT. But since the 2 words truly can be used in the same way I don't call them out on it. It's not a big deal. I'm not out to educate the world like U are.
It doesn't matter. The world won't end because of a word in a sentence that no one but a few Avengers Grimm fans will read.

As for using U instead of YOU. Millions of people use it everywhere.
Have U ever heard of people using LOL? Oh wait! U do because U used it!
It's an abbreviation (if you don't know what that is look it up) for Laugh Out Loud, Laugh On Line a few other I'd guess.
Ever hear of IDK? It means I Don't Know.
As in IDK why you enjoy making yourself look so incredibly stupid in a public forum.
And YES! U do need a reason for destroying this discussion. It's about the title of a movie. I didn't start it as an english lesson.
If U'd like to start your own thread on here discussing the finer points of the english language feel free. Just don't do it here where you're not wanted.



Wow! Those words hurt me so bad! Boo hoo hoo! U think by lowering yourself to personal attacks is going to effect me?
U truly don't know anything about life, do u?
Nothing you say or do is going to change the world. U do know that, right?
By u getting your panties in a bunch on this thread (which I'm still lost as to why you're here to begin with) it won't change anything.
All you're doing is making yourself look dumber than a stick and giving me a good laugh a couple times a day.
So keep it coming if u want. Nothing's going to change.
There's stupid people in the world (for evidence look in the mirror) and there's nothing u can do to change that. I suggest u get a job as an english teacher or post to some kind of group where u can voice your concerns over the downfall of humanity.
Either way you've given myself & a few of my friends a good laugh.


Dude give it up already, you got pawned X10 lol. Oh and make sure you turn off the oven, or your house may be golfing in flames.

Also don't you think your being kind of condomcending thinking iMDB members don't know what MOOT means.
Ok, now lets just all calm down meow.


And see! Yet another one who can't read!
I never said I don't agree with blueberry. I'm 100% behind it.
The fact is that I've run across way too many people who use moot for mute or mute for moot.
Sad situation, I know. I just used one word instead of another. Which of course we all know that both words pretty much mean the same thing.
I'm still trying to find out why blueberry goes trolling the net looking for people's spelling & grammar mistakes.
Now THAT is something we should be worried about!


It's powned genius boy not pawned.

Dude give it up already, you got pawned X10 lol. Oh and make sure you turn off the oven, or your house may be golfing in flames.

Also don't you think your being kind of condomcending thinking iMDB members don't know what MOOT means.
Ok, now lets just all calm down meow.


you claim to be a person of intelligence and yet you are in a prolonged argument with a someone that you have repeatedly called a moron and an idiot what is it exactly that you hope to accomplish?


Dude, you made a grammar correction. He gave you an explanation, which seems to be good enough (even if I don't necessarily agree with it), and he uses the occasional shorthand when typing, which you've kind of made yourself look like an a$$ by pretending you need to correct that as well.

So a brief recap...he substitutes a word, because the context of it works well enough. He uses shorthand to type some words. Out of this, you've concluded that he's going to bear stupid children? You've gone so off topic with some of your responses, and they're filled with contempt and yes, YOU'RE the one that looks like the idiot in this exchange.

I'm trying to think of why you'd go to such lengths to argue nonsensically like this...oh yeah...TROLL.


Thanks very much 4 the support. Hope this helps Miss Blueberry 2 understand that the world doesn't revolve round people who troll the net looking 4 people to push round.


Actually moot and mute are not interchangeable nor do they mean the same thing so they can't be used in the same way.

~Jesus wept.~


NO, he's not embarrassing're embarrassing yourself with this ridiculous moot/mute insistence that is blatantly incorrect. You say you use "mute" because OTHER people know what it means, but I don't get it: you're acquiescing to their idiocy so they'll understand you?

For the record, for those with proper pronunciation, the 2 words are NOT homonyms as some would suggest. "Mute" has that sort of "yuh" sound - "myoot" - kind of like "mule." "Moot" on the other hand is a simple "moot" as in "movie." But I'm probably wasting my breath...


I wish you were mute, and you most certainly are moot!


Funny this is a thread I started about a movie name and it changed into a blueberry, who's really a dingleberry, just randomly trying to change the world.
Strange days indeed!


Blueberry - Holy Cow you need to calm down and focus on the topic.


How about 'Avengers: Age of Grimm'?

OOM POM PAH OOM POM PAH thats how it goes...




Ok compromise, muot. That's French for flossy. The Flossy Avengers.


I like it! :-)
