Way Too Long ... Way Too Convoluted

You have heard the term run on sentences ... well this is a run on movie! Way too long and way too convoluted. You could easily cut 30 minutes from the film and not compromise the story. Actually it would improve the film! To make matters worse this is a hard film for Americans to watch as we typically do not clearly understand 1940's Japanese history and culture.

Obviously this film was not produced with American consumption in mind. Which is too bad as this tells an important story that should be known.

To get a better understanding of the Japanese surrender I recommend the following films. If you have others to add please chime in.

Hiroshima (1995 US MFTV)


Emperor (2012 USA)



BTW ... I did not this Japanese film for many of the same reasons. Remarkably it deals with pretty much the same subject but came out in 50 years earlier. It has a much higher IMDB rating!

Japan's Longest Day (1967 Japanese)

