MovieChat Forums > The Circle (2017) Discussion > whats the word on this movie

whats the word on this movie

heard anything


Da passwerd is biatch


If you've followed issues in data and privacy, you won't find any new concepts here.

If you want a primer in these topics, the movie does the job.

People who are expecting the usual amount of action/romance will be bored and would leave early.

It's almost like a dramatized documentary of several scenarios.


what would you rate it ?? thanks


The rating really depends on the target audience. I gave my recos based on the viewer.

So thumbs up for those wanting a dramatized documentary primer of data/privacy.
Thumbs down for those already knowledgeable and those wanting typical Hollywood sex and violence.

My thumbs only go up or down.


Basically are mocking Apple and Google.


The word on this movie is "caca."

It's just SO dumb, you can't believe it. There's suspension of disbelief, then there's using WMDs on it to make it disappear forever.

The "technology" is at the same level as the science in "Gravity." That is: there only to be used to advance the plot, whether its feasible or not.

Avoid this like an STD.



It’s basically what would happen if Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook all merged.

The good news is that cameras require a lot of battery power, and the mini-cams in this film are not possible yet, for the long term anyways.


Watched it finally and it does bring forth the issues of big tech and government regarding control, power, biometrics, facial recognition, privacy, and data collection. Which are all real world issues. It addresses some of the pros and cons, but overall, it was a very boring movie. Just go read 1984 instead. 4/10
