MovieChat Forums > The Circle (2017) Discussion > And the release date is......

And the release date is......

April 28th 2017.I was hoping it was going to be this year, but at least we know now.😌


I'm not impressed with the release date. I was hoping to be an awards contender and the 28th of April doesn't help enough. I'm a fan of the book so I cannot wait for it. I hope that the promo will start soon with the first stills and a trailer !


I thought it might be an awards contender too but the April release probably means that the studio aren`t confident about its prospects.


Screw the awards. We're the public. Give us an entertaining movie. Could care less about awards. Don't know why people are so enamoured with actors winning for their work when for us it should only be their work that counts.


It's not about being enamored with the actors for winning awards. It's just widely known that studios release movies that they anticipate will have good reviews mostly during the fall and winter season. Because if they know their movies are good then they feel like they stand a chance during awards season. When large studios release their non-franchise/action/sequel/horror movies in the Spring, that usually means that they expect less than kind reviews and care about your cash more than awards and cash.

There are obvious anomalies and exceptions that get released in the Spring, but the season is usually a dumping ground of lukewarm to negatively-received films. Not to mention that this release date is very fishy for a movie that has three very noticeable stars. It's looking like a disappointment for studios that invested a lot in this film.

As a "public" watcher of film, you shouldn't roll your eyes at those that pay attention to awards shows and what they mean. Yes, they often are arbitrary, but they do have a ripple-effect on the industry (e.g., release schedules, people and types of movies that get green-lit for certain projects, etc.).


Yeah, that's what I figured when the studios failed to release it this year.

This dragging their feet kinda reminds of that flick "Serena " with JLaw and Bradley Cooper. Don't know what happened, but one would think with J-Law at her popularity and the teaming with Cooper would be able to release a flick. Nope, that barely saw the light of day.


That movie was a travesty.


Another possibility is simply that since Tom Hanks is a producer on the project and he has two large movies in theaters this fall (one awards film in Sully, one tent-pole money picture in the Dan Brown adaptation) that they delayed the film to account for viewer fatigue and to a time when his schedule is free to help promote the film...


Maybe, but I don't think movie studios care about that as much as they care about awards and money, bluntly.
That didn't stop studios from over-saturating audiences with Jessica Chastain movies during the fall of the last few years (she's had four or more movies coming out during the same season because they were all awards-worthy, for example).


I think Rocky IV makes a good point about Hanks exposure right now. Plus you have Arrival and Passengers as two big sci fi releases end of this year.


You may be right and Inferno pretty much tanked so...wise decision maybe.


It`s just occurred to me that this probably got an April 2017 release date in order to capitalize on the inevitable success of Beauty and The Beast.


What about a UK release date?
