did this attempt anything?

Sat through this to the bitter, meaningless end out of respect for German Sr. Appears this lad has had a belly full of materialism? nihilism? disillusionment? Did this film effort attempt anything, beyond the fact of its existence? Art for arts sake in 2016 Russia left me yearning I had watched an old Soviet hack agitprop movie instead.

There's so much to discuss about Putins Russia, and yes, it is Putins Russia, that was left ambiguous and opaque. I've watched many modern Russian films and find them dynamic and often troubling. It occurred to me a generation gap exists not only within my nation but also in how I relate to foreign youngsters as well. But this isn't just any comparative nation, this is our old Cold War opponent. What has happened in Russia since 1991, and why isn't there more focus on the Wests relationship with a state that could still bury us? Sadly, I couldn't divine a clue upon this films end, and departed from my monitor thinking this was some sort of a Russian Beatnik expression of veiled distaste for Americas Pepsi and Coke challenge.

Soon these comments will spawn countless responses for the film has been released all over the web. Tell me your thoughts, tear me apart, bore me with the sophistry of a bong-master. What did I miss, was it on You Tube? And remember; English speaking foreigners often write and speak more proper English than our own Hollywooders. But that doesn't make their celluloid efforts any deeper.

what ails most madmen is realitys grasp or escape, a paralysis of analysis
