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Wow!! A WHOLE "commercial" for McDonald's( subliminally)


Well said!


adjective, Psychology.
existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual:, a movie obviously about McDonald's is subliminally an advertisement for McDonald's...

This is what happens when you turn vegan kids. Your brain stops working, but you believe you are incredibly insightful and intelligent.


McDonald's has spent decades trying to build up a wholesome mythology around Ray Kroc. They don't want the world to know how unethical Kroc was.
Based on the trailer and early reviews it sounds like Kroc doesn't come off that great. I doubt McDonald's wants this kind of publicity.


To date, according to Mr. Hancock and others, McDonald’s has made no attempt to interfere with “The Founder.” To do so would risk inadvertently promoting the film. In a similar situation, Facebook chose not to fight an unflattering portrayal of its chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, in the 2010 movie “The Social Network.”

Robert Gibbs, global chief communications officer for McDonald’s, declined to comment on “The Founder,” its use of company trademarks, or its least complimentary claim about Kroc: that he reneged on a handshake deal to pay the McDonald brothers a percentage of his revenue as part of a 1961 agreement in which he purchased their company for $2.7 million.



You know what they say, "There's no such thing as bad publicity." Unfortunately, this very much applies to this global environmental disaster of a restaurant chain. The day this and other similar chains would close for good would be a glorious one, but unfortunately that's nothing more than utopia in today's idiocracy.


Whoever said there's no such thing as bad publicity is a moron. Ask Anthony Weiner after his scandal or Seaworld after Blackfish when they lost millions of dollars if there's "no bad publicity."

Also I think that you will soon realize this is my signature.


You say like Ads are good things.I look at it like a history lesson in corrupt capitalism.


I already knew the history. I saw the movie. As near as I can see, there is no corruption in either. If there is, then every human being is corrupt. While this is a good possibility, it's not for me to determine. That's why we have a judicial system.


Have you watched this movie?

Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!


you didn't even see the movie back in May of 2016. I just saw it while it is a history of how McDonald s started, believe me it is not a flattering commercial as you assumed it was back when you wrote this.


OP, did you actually watch the movie?

It is most definitely NOT a commercial for McDonald's.


Yeah, that's what I thought.
