MovieChat Forums > Shok (2016) Discussion > clarifications, please

clarifications, please

Can anyone fill in the gaps for someone not familiar with the Kosovo war?

** Which of the boys was Serbian, and which was Albanian? My guess is Oki is Serbian, which is why he was scolded for studying in Albanian.

** Would the two ethnicities go to school together and mingle socially?

** What was Petrit selling to the soldiers?

** What does "Shok" mean?

Sorry for my ignorance. This is my favorite of the Oscar-nominated shorts, and I just want to understand it better. Thanks to whoever can enlighten.


I can't answer all your questions, but 'shok' means friend, and Petrit was selling cigarette papers (and maybe tobacco? Not sure about that).


Thank you, amigo!


Was under the impression both are Albanian.


Pretty sure both are Albanian. They wouldn't have been ran out along with the rest of the town if only 1 is Albanian.



1. All of the characters are Albanian except the soldiers.
2. There were separate schools and even if they were in the same school they would be in different shifts and there would be no social interaction whatsoever.
In every city in Kosovo, Albanians were persecuted, Albanian textbooks weren't allowed, Albanians weren't allowed to study in their native language, most of the schools that taught Albanian were destroyed/burned so there weren't that many children that went to school.
More than half of the Albanian population (about 1 million) were forced to flee Kosovo as refugees.
3. He was selling them tobacco.
4. Shok in Albanian can have two meanings, as in Shok (Friend) and Shok (Shock).

If you liked this movie I would suggest watching another Albanian Short Film, Kolona (2012). The story is also about the 1999 war and is from the viewpoint of a family fleeing Kosovo as refugees. The movie has won several international awards.
You can watch it on Youtube.


Hi there,

Neither of the boys were Serbian. Both were Albanins, but Petrit spoke Serbian as well. As far as Serb children going to school with Albanian children I'm not certain whether they did or not. Petrit was selling cigarette rolling papers and SHOK means friend in Albanian. As far as Albanian and Serbian children going to school together I'm not sure but I don't believe they did but again, I'm not sure. I only say this because kosovar Albanians were stripped of their autonomy by Milosevic and so they recreated parallel govt/ schools/ hospitals in order to deal with this. Sure, some Albanians and Serbs mingled socially but I would say a majority did not.
