MovieChat Forums > Caught (2022) Discussion > Why the *beep* did she drop the knife?

Why the *beep* did she drop the knife?

The movie had me up until that point. What a ridiculous move.




It lost me when she escaped from the chair and her kidnappers apparently didn't even check the whole attic because she was hiding like 5 feet from them behind a box. Basically in plain sight. If they had tried even for 20 seconds they would have found her. 


Please tell me the end. I don't want to waste my time with this craziness !


When they're out of the room, she escapes and hides in a closet. Then the sister opens the door and without seeing who it is, Ally stabs her. Then the crazy blond chick is afraid to call 911 so she shuts them both in a room. Husband shows up and she tells him the plan is to burn the house down to destroy evidence. House gets set on fire too soon when Ally kicks the gasoline into some candles. House starts burning down but Ally's mom shows up and rescues her and the sister and police arrest crazy blond chick and husband.


She was REALLY excited about them possibly not being in the house and thought she had a clean break.


Actress looked 15 if that, not 18.

Not believable that police didn't make their obligatory house call after the 911 call, which they do whether you spoke or not.

And no explanation for how wife goes from prankster to murderer so quickly. Didn't hubby notice her issues before all this happened?


I don't know how many Lifetime movies you have seen but in most of them, a woman will drop a weapon near a body, thinking he/she is dead. Then you see this hand by the villain pick it up. Almost every Lifetime movie, also makes the male characters look as though they are incapable of protecting their families. They always have a female hero, while the men end up wounded or dead.


Good question. She did a lot of stupid things, like leaving her cell phone for the wife to find, when she clearly had time to take it. And she had many chances to call 911 from the landline. I thought it was campy/funny for most of the movie, but by the end, I saw it for what it was - a terrible movie.
