MovieChat Forums > Applesauce (2015) Discussion > What a GREAT MOVIE HOLY SMOKES!


Murphy's Law, Shakespeare, Existentialism, Irony, Comedy; just everything about this movie I dug and I hope people give it a chance. YES i am a real person and NO i haven't been paid for any positive review or anything like that.

This is an Artistic story but not shot Artistically (another ironic thing). It's so so good and I feel like after watching this movie the same feeling I got after watching Birdman for the first time last year, i was just blown away by that movie and that's how I feel with Applesauce although Applesauce isn't visually as artistic as Birdman and it's got a much more "real" feel to it, I mean it's a movie about Life.

Can't say enough about Applesauce and it does such a good job at expressing it's story in such a way where it's not a pain to the audience to try and follow along (marvelous job with that). It's still a movie where you may wonder what EXACTLY it was about but that's what makes it so good even if you aren't into films that are usually like that you can still watch this over and over and pick up on all the subtle things and not so subtle things you may have missed (and still laugh at the jokes!)


Agreed, so good. Need to watch it again with friends.


I would like to third that. Spot-on assessment, OP. Completely in love with this flick right now. I was somewhat on the fence about checking out Summer of Blood, but now, based on the strength of this, I'm gonna dive right in.


PS we SO kind of sound like shills, but I'm pretty sure we aren't. Good stuff, people!


No man... the movie was great.

The situations are realistic yet outlandish...especially the sex stuff.

Like 1 thing just leads to another but you can totally see why.

I did not expect the ending to be so tragic either. Was so weird.


I wouldn't call this great at all. This is directed, written, and edited by Onur Tukel who also stars as the lead, just like in Summer of Blood. This guy is the afterbirth of a Tarantino and Allen lovechild. And I'm positive he eats a bowl of his own *beep* for breakfast every morning. His films are far from the worst ever made but hard to rate higher than a 5 or 6.

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance."


i'll take your word for it considering you didn't say anything about the movie and only talked about how much you dislike the writter/directer/character.

I only look at the movie, i don't care about the biography of the guy who wrote it and his personality. The movie is good, it has a lot of depth especially for a movie that's more of a comedy.

It's extremely rare to find a movie like this, that can challenge your mindset as well as make you laugh along the way. So it's very simple for me to grade this as a 9/10 because it offers something that other movies just can't do or even try to do.


I didn't like the movie. It starts off promisingly enough, then it just goes completely off the rails and not in the fun way. I can even pinpoint the exact point when I started to not like it: when the wronged parties get their revenge and no one seemed to pick up on what exactly they did, so they all go home happy until it's verbally explained what went down and everyone just accepts it and jokes about it when any real life person in that situation would, I expect, be a tad more upset.

Then the resolution with the waiter was very anticlimactic. And there isn't even a resolution with the radio host and the person sending him animal parts. Then one of the main characters dies in a ridiculous and poorly filmed way and another main character mutilates themselves because they're an idiot.

Too often did characters do dumb things to further the plot or say things to try and get a laugh, and then the movie didn't have the guts to pull the trigger and have any kind of exciting outcome with the guy sending the body parts.

The movie was just too stupid and not enjoyable enough for me to give it a pass.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.



Ok I get why you didn't get the movie; it's because it didn't lay everything out in a nice little A>B>C format with predictable outcomes and that's why the Film is a success.
This is more like a Shakespearean Film / Tragedy, more than a "Dark Comedy" and especially with how the Box Office is cluttered with dumb-downed Movies appealing to the general "Idiocracy" of Movie goers.

Now this wasn't a Film many people will appreciate because it's a Film that is so unlike things currently popular or have been popular for the past 20 years or so.

This Film is going to meet 50/50 from the general population because well, that's just the way Art is, not everyone will get it or understand it but this Film is (story wise) just a tad below things like a 'Birdman' and even though I loved that Film also AND it got an Oscar (because it was AMAZING) generally speaking, most people didn't "Get it" because it wasn't in the format for the general public to appreciate because the general public look at Movies (not Film) as Entertainment and what Entertains the general public is quite frankly dumb things.

"Look at the Ball, Watch it Bounce, Watch me CATCH IT" that's about the format how it goes with movies these days and everything ends with a nice, little, bow on it.

This Film is more like Life than you care to realize, things don't go according to plan all the time, and things aren't always quite as they appear to be and no life doesn't always give you a nice Bow on it at the end and pat you on the head and tell you everything will be ok! Also it's about the unwillingness of people to change when things are just not going in their favor, how things can snowball on top of a person and all that Greek Mythology mumbo-jumbo.

I'm not saying it's the greatest of all time but I am saying for (i believe it was straight to DVD / limited release) this is probably one of the better movies of the year considering how indie it all was, the script however was FANTASTIC!

If you don't appreciate some of the older writings like Shakespeare for example because that is what this reminded me of the most more than any other literature; then you will flat out HATE this movie or you "Won't Get it" because people aren't conditioned to take in all the variables anymore of a Film or even a Book, and because of that, a movie like this isn't going to receive a general consensus of popularity.
Also a lot of things about Control, and the fragile nature of the Human Ego, There is so much that this film touches on and it's just sad that it'll fall on deaf ears because it's that's ambitious and actually executed it nearly flawlessly for the means it worked with.

btw, nice job on spoiling parts of the movie, like very very dick move


Ok I get why you didn't get the movie; it's because it didn't lay everything out in a nice little A>B>C format with predictable outcomes and that's why the Film is a success.
This is more like a Shakespearean Film / Tragedy, more than a "Dark Comedy" and especially with how the Box Office is cluttered with dumb-downed Movies appealing to the general "Idiocracy" of Movie goers.

Now this wasn't a Film many people will appreciate because it's a Film that is so unlike things currently popular or have been popular for the past 20 years or so.

Or maybe I just thought the movie wasn't that good? As much as arthouse people like to gush over something that doesn't fit a traditional narrative, the lack of one can hurt your movie just as much as it can help. Not every movie can be Memento or Mulholland Dr.

I wasn't born yesterday, I watch and study movies all the time, and although I can see how this movie might appeal to a particular crowd, as a whole, it doesn't meet my standards. It feels very much like a mashup of different things, and sometimes that can work, but it didn't for me.

You can throw around Shakespeare's name if you want, but Onur Tukel isn't Shakespeare. He has an interest voice but his work is unfocused and it meanders. I gave Summer of Blood kind of a pass because it at least had some pretty funny parts but Applesauce's characters are just too stupid for me and the entire plot hinges on their stupidity.

On a grade scale I would give it a C- for at least having a decent first 30 minutes or so.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


I'm saying that the plot was Shakespearean in how it was executed; I'm not saying he IS Shakespeare. The Theme of "Dark Comedy" is inspired by Shakespeare but there have been a lot of changes between Shakespeare's Comedies up until now. This is more true to that traditional style.

For example you look at a Wes Anderson style of Dark Comedy and compare it to this, and you see pretty dramatic differences between them but some similarities in the story with how it's presented. The difference is that Anderson finishes most of his movies with some "happy ending" that at least leaves move-goers with a good feeling as they leave. So while I use Shakespeare as the most notable and recognizable style that this movie resembles, it doesn't mean I am praising this movie as a work of Shakespeare, inspired by Shakespeare? Yes, but that doesn't make him Shakespeare.

Like I said before, you don't like it because you couldn't understand it which is fine because a lot of solid movies come out every year that people don't "Get" or Understand but in many cases (like this) you don't / aren't suppose to "Get" it right away, you watch it again and again to figure out everything and appreciate all the nuances, and then when you finally get it, you appreciate the time you invested.

This isn't a Film for the average movie goer because frankly they aren't willing to put enough brain power into "Entertainment". People go to Movie's and watch Movie's so they can turn their Brain Off; this isn't that type of Movie so it's going to alienate a lot of people.


Like I said before, you don't like it because you couldn't understand it

Yes, of course. That's it. I also didn't like Transformers because I didn't understand its Shakespearean Wes Andersonness.

Give me a break dude. I get that you like it and you're entitled to your opinion, I simply gave my counter opinion on why I thought it sucked because it failed to entertain me to the point I was willing to forgive it for its weird plot points and unlikable characters and unsatisfying ending.

This isn't a Film for the average movie goer because frankly they aren't willing to put enough brain power into "Entertainment". People go to Movie's and watch Movie's so they can turn their Brain Off; this isn't that type of Movie so it's going to alienate a lot of people.

Or, and bear with me here, maybe it's not a good movie? It's supposed to be a comedy and it stops being funny after the first 20 minutes or so. And I love how you put a film where a guy nearly eats a severed penis on such a high pedestal.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


If you watched it and you thought that "The Funny Parts" were what defined that Film, then yes, you didn't understand anything at all.

It's a Film that used Humor to keep attention so that people would keep their short attention spans focused in all the deep context and subplot that was going on.

Now obviously you missed that; as will many many people but this is EXACTLY what I am talking about in my replies to you.

You are looking at it like it was suppose to be some Shallow Ryan Reynolds Comedy or something, and obviously you missed the compare / contrast I did between Anderson, Shakespeare, and Tukel.

I don't really know what to say other than you are the exact demographic move goer that this Film will fall short on.

And the fact that you put spoilers in your first reply, well, it's a dick move and I maybe reaching here but the type of person who goes and spoils parts of the Film for other people on the boards, well they are *beep* so I highly doubt you actually appreciate any type of Film that has a multi-layered plot


I realized this debate was going nowhere and neglected to respond, but I will point this out:

You are looking at it like it was suppose to be some Shallow Ryan Reynolds Comedy or something, and obviously you missed the compare / contrast I did between Anderson, Shakespeare, and Tukel.

I had to laugh because I am not a fan of Ryan Reynolds by any stretch of the imagination and routinely either skip or dislike Jason Bateman/Jason Sudeikis type "comedies" and I laughed because I can only presume you think because I didn't like this movie I must be some kind of dull fratboy who has no appreciation for good filmmaking and would much rather watch the lasted National Lampoons straight to dvd flick. Well if that's the case then that's hilarious.

My standards are a little higher than most and what it usually boils down to for me is did I have a good time. In this case I did not. In my opinion it doesn't really matter what the message was or what the film was trying to do or say if I don't care about the characters or found the story entertaining.

I went back and re-read my earlier posts and I stand by them 100%. The characters are unlikable and they do stupid things and the plot is extremely derivative, and I can't like a film with an underdeveloped plot and badly written/unrealistic characters that do stupid things unless it's entertaining enough to overcome those negatives. I've simply seen this kind of film done way better in the past.

But I have to admit, seeing you defend it reminds me of my niece defending Twilight until she got old enough to realize just how much that movie sucked.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


you think that the characters are unrealistic, that's funny, you think the plot is underdeveloped, thats funny. like literally you just proved me right with that reply, you were looking for "Entertainment" of the generic type and got something completely different and rather than try and understand the complexities you just said "Bah, it sucks!".

literally everything you just described in your lil reply are bullet points i hit on earlier and I gotta say that you should just be quiet now because all you are doing is proving me right every time you reply
