Lily's 1955 Dodge

The other star in this movie is Lily's own 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer sport coupe that she purchased in 1975 for $1,500. She nicknamed the car "Dora Bannister", after a character in the 1953 movie "Wicked Woman". I'm glad to see that left-leaning liberal lesbian Lily is pushing back against political correctness and the sham global warming crowd. She has regularly driven this old beauty with a gas thirsty and carbon monoxide spewing 270 cubic inch Hemi Super Red Ram V-8 engine for the past forty years. Good for you Lily! I hope you keep driving it until you can drive no more. The premise of the movie seems lame. The granddaughter wants Lily to help her obtain money for an abortion. A deadbeat girl like that nowadays knows how to milk the system for whatever freebees she can get. She wouldn't even bother with Grandma. Planned Parenthood would gladly kill her baby at no charge and market the body parts for a nice profit.



I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool.



Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


I'm having a bowel movement.

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


The first half of your post is worthwhile.
After you stopped writing about the car and driving it, you spew only nonsense.
The granddaughter isn't the least bit 'deadbeat'; she's still living at home and attending high school and maintaining a B average.
Your spew about Planned Parenthood is totally uncalled for.


your political biases are showing. There are no freebies for young women who need abortions. Planned Parenthood does NOT perform abortions or any other procedure for free. (Where'd you get that crazy idea?) And PP does not sell body parts -- it donates them for research, but the recipients do have to pay the shipping charges.


The 'crazy idea' is actually in the movie itself. It just happens that the only clinic Grandma was familiar with had closed or moved 5 years earlier.

This is a lovely movie but the premise is really flimsy, and in a way that undermines the story. The grand daughter doesn't *have* to have an abortion that very day. There are meaningful options both for the procedure, and for Grandma to raise the money, that wouldn't involve the sometimes half brained adventures of these guys over the course of the day. To deny these options is to convey a message that feminism has achieved little in 40 years. Bizarre for a movie with a pro choice theme.

Women are smarter than this. And these are well educated, well networked women as well. Dumbing them down to get a sort of road movie is disappointing.

But whoa, what great acting performances all round. And the script does at least have heart, where it lacks in brains.
