Yay for Lily Tomlin

I am loving all her new work. Her netflix series was a blast and this looks to be sweet and hilarious.


Yeah, it looks pretty good. Actually reminds me a little bit of Nebraska except with female leads.


I saw it a little while ago at the LGBT film fest in Toronto. It was brilliant! I'm hoping she pulls out an oscar nom for this. She was perfect.




Although Lily is a dyke in real life, she is apparently playing a women who was hetero at one time and then turned homo. In real life, Lily who has been with Jane Wagner since 1971 and who she recently "married", waited till she was an elderly woman whose career had faded out before she came out. She knew what side her bread was buttered on early on. If she would have come out in 1969-70 when her star was rising on Laugh-In, her career would have been over, even in liberal Hollywood. There would have been no record albums, TV specials, movies, or concert hall tours. She would have been back to obscurity playing Detroit coffee houses, gay night clubs, and waiting tables at Howard Johnson's. There was too much money to be made to out herself. What good does advertising one's sex life do anyway? Oddly enough, she indicated in an interview her brother Richard is also a homosexual.



I guess you have a hard time going to the movies then!



Mostly agree. I would be very distracted from the movie if Ellen DeGeneres was in a sex scene with a guy. Just wouldn't 'fit'


Why not try seeing the movie before posting the most asinine of questions? It's covered in the movie's plot points.


She is a Lesbian in the movie as well. And despite what your ignorant mind may think Lesbians can become mothers and in turn grandmothers. Melissa Ethridge is gay and has a biological child. Many Lesbians have children through artificial insemination or through other arrangements. Also despite what you may think who you sleep with isn't necessarily what makes you gay or straight it is who you are attracted to. There are many gay men and women who live a heterosexual lifestyle to keep up appearance and to gain social acceptance. They are still gay and are attracted to those of the same sex they just don't act on those attractions instead opting to go with someone they aren't really attracted to in pursuit of social acceptance.


We saw the film yesterday and thought it was terrific. Lilly really caries the whole film. Although the other characters are good too.


It is a treat to have her working so regularly currently.



Yay for Lily Tomlin, but nay for this predictable, preachy vehicle. 7/10 stars from me based on her performance.
