MovieChat Forums > Bite (2021) Discussion > Why she didn't go to the ER?

Why she didn't go to the ER?

She comes back from an exotic location, with an infected bite mark that keeping get worse. Why doesn't she simply go to the ER? The only thing she's done was call some help line and even that was fairly late.


maybe she doesn't have insurance.




So now we all have to deal with hybrid infecting flying insects. Thanks Obama!

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


They were in Canada, not the US. She had insurance.


There is a law in the US called EMTALA that requires ER to treat you whether or not you have insurance. This girl was an idiot. Even if you thought you had traveler's diarrhea that was severe or an infected bug bite you would seek medical attention. Someone that concerned about appearance would likely go to the doctor if a gigantic purulent boil appeared on her leg, especially if it was painful.


but dont they still have to pay medical bills?

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Also, corticosteroids are the last thing you should put on an infected bite. Steroids can exacerbate an infection and you can actually die if the infection enters your bloodstream. Antibiotics are the only medication that would cure a bacterial infection. I'll bet if she sought medical attention soon enough she would have been fine.


Because then there wouldn't be a movie.


Thank you


Why didn't they get out of the water as soon as she said she felt something moving around her? There is no way I would have stayed in that pond. Also, weren't they at the wrong location? The guy told them there would be white sands...
