A white girl as Gina?

She didn't look Hispanic in the film. Maby I'm wrong.


I was thinking the same thing. She definitely didn't look like the real Gina.


That's Lifetime for you! Lol!


Oh shut up you are lucky they didn't make her black just to appease the PC morons.


It's ironic you would say that given that Gina's phenotype does look to have some African influence. Puerto Ricans are a mix of Native, European and African.

When people refers to a stereotypical Hispanic "look" they're referring to mestizo, a mix of European and Native.


I agree she was too white.


Excuse me but please be specific about what you mean: "She didn't LOOK Hispanic! I've met Hispanic folks who are very light skinned & very dark even of African complexion. Recall one must trace their ancestry to the island of Hispaniola which Haiti & the Dominican Republic share. Can someone relate to me if your ancestors are from Puerto Rico exclusively: are you Hispanic? Sane as folks from Mexico. Are they truly Hispanic or only if an ancestor emigrated from Hispaniola? To me folks from Mexico are descended from Spanish and/or native aboriginal Central Anerican tribes?


Correction: should be "are" & not "amp"! Sorry!


There must be a software error with that "&amp" appearance! Weird!


The actress didn't look Hispanic


Once again please explain what you mean when you say she didn't "Look" Hispanic. I've met plenty of folks who are of Hispanic heritage and some are of African skin tone while others are of Spanish/Caucasion skin tone. Some are darker or blended. Wasn't Gina of Puerto Rican heritage/ancestry? I checked the bio of Katie Sarife who played Gina. In the bio the "Ethnicity" designation was "Caucasion" which is an error. Caucasion is a skin tone description as much as Negro and Mongoloid(Oriental) are. Ethnicity is descriptive of where you ancestors emigrated from. If my ancestors were from Puerto Rico I'd want to describe my ethnicity as "Puerto Rican" not Hispanic. Could someone specify what Latino means related to ethnicity? How about folks of Mexican descent? Can they be accurately described as Hispanic? Mexicans I've met have mostly been descendants of Spanish & aboriginal tribes such as the Aztecs who actually were known as Mexicas who founded what became Mexico.


Point is the actress didn't look anything like the real Gina. They messed up! Get where I'm going with this?? I know Hispanics come in different shades. That's not what this is about it's about them not taking the time to cast the right person!


Gina looked very pale in the photo they released of her at the time of rescue, so I don't think the actress looked too white to play her.


I do


I think they mean the generic, stereotypical, and ethnically unique characteristics of people who have Spanish origin. So that would be dark hair, usually black, thick, well defined eyebrows, a smoother nose shape, so not Roman or ski slope that you find in many European features, and olive skintone. I know there are many, many examples of people with this ethnicity who don't have all of or even most of the features in keeping with an iconic Spanish-origin person, but when people say "Latino/Hispanic looking" etc. they are referring to those people who fit the ethnonym to people of country heritage that speak the Spanish language, in some definitions, to ancient Roman Hispania, which roughly comprised the Iberian Peninsula including the contemporary states of Spain, Portugal, Andorra and the Crown Colony or British Overseas Territories of Gibraltar. I hope that clarifies for you :)


Wow. I had no clue Laura Palmer was ever this well-read.

When there is no more room on IMDB, the trolls shall wheel to 4chan.


Racism comes in many forms *SMH* ...

Joshua 1:9 ... unashamed.


Yep.Speaking of racism.,Michelle is part African American,
imagine that dick knowing that w/his racist Puerto Rican lol ass.

As for Gina, she wasn't onscreen enough for me to notice much.



That's what I thought too.. Hollywood always whitewashing.. The real Gina is slightly tanned but even if the actress was slightly tanned she looked nothing like her... But the girl that played Michelle did not look like her either but they got the height part right...
