The reviews are in!

"It's a blast!"--Bill Ayers

"Considering I was Obama's spiritual mentor for what? Twenty years? I guess it's disappointing I wasn't in the movie, but not surprising. Thrown under the bus again! Still, given how the Jews run Hollywood, I guess it's a miracle the movie even got made." --Rev. Wright

"This movie will take away ten bucks for your own good!"--Hillary Clinton

"This movie should be a hit in all 57 states! But it should have had more of me--I mean Obama--in it and less of everybody else."--"Barry Soetoro," Mount Olympus

"People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks."--J. Biden



"I just saw it again (my twentieth viewing), and I can't recommend it highly enough! They should make more movies about this wonderful man! When you see it, you'll think, 'This was the movie where the oceans began to rise!' Even my grandmother, who was a typical old white woman, would love this movie!"--"Barry Soetoro," Mount Olympus.


Bilwek.....who let you out of the trailer park...


The floods in Louisiana chased him out.


Because only trailer park people oppose Il Dufe? I guess like those trailer park people I run into at the Cato Institute or the Foundation for Economic Education.

See you at the next Mensa meeting, Aristotle.


You are an *beep* - me


This just in:

"I haven't enjoyed a movie since I watched 'Claire of the Moon' while holding hands with--well let's just say with my 'special friend.' Allah be praised!"--Huma A.


"Everyone should buy a ticket for this movie, even if they don't intend to see it!"

~Chief Justice Roberts


Barry Soetero's movie


"I loved it, who would not? A movie about our savior, and how he met a wonderful young man who agreed to be his beard/wife. Getting together tonight with my friends, wearing our footie jammies, drinking hot chocolate, and talking about how dreamy Obama is" - Pajama Boy

"As true as my movie, and like mine, it will become required viewing in colleges and universities". - Al Gore

"I laugh, I cry, I kill anyone who defy the State by no like this cinematic gold" - Kim Jong un

(thanks for letting me join in bilwick)


This is why IMDB needs thumbs up/down voting.

Awesome post.

(Yeah, That Really Says "Since 1999")


"This movie made my leg tingle!" --Chris Matthews.

"This movie made me tingle, too, Chris, but not exactly in my leg!""--objective journalist and debate moderator Gwen Ifill

"Me, too! It was the ginchiest!"--Candy Crowley

"I was disappointed. In this movie, the crease in Obama's pants has nowhere near the awesomeness as the crease in Obama's pants."--house "conservative" and docile Plantation servant David Brooks (aka "Uncle Dave").


"Anyone who knocks this movie should make sure their pets are in a secure location. It'd be a shame if anything happened to them, like Kathleen Willey's cat. You wouldn't want your beloved Bowser to shake hands with Vince Foster, if you catch my drift. I'm just sayin'."--Bubba the Plumber, unofficial Clinton "aide de camp."


"If you do not go see this movie, you are a racist" - Too many fools to list

"Am going to have to see it again, after I hit my head, do not remember seeing it before," - Hillary Clinton


"Am going to have to see it again, after I hit my head, do not remember seeing it before," - Hillary Clinton

Good one. She probably coughed up a lot of popcorn in the theater, too/
