MovieChat Forums > Southside with You (2016) Discussion > Do the rich in America pay their fair sh...

Do the rich in America pay their fair share?

Do the rich in America pay their fair share?

Not at all. The Personal Income Tax Rate in Sweden stands at 57 percent. Swedish people have a higher standard of living than americans. I guess the american rich don't pay their fair share


Then get In a Volvo and drive to Sweden you moron. Just by that act alone you raise the standard of living in this country by you not living here.


Define and quantify "fair share."

Personally, I don't know how anyone is entitled to a share ("fair" or otherwise) of someone else's money, but hey, that's me.


Stalin has the answer you're looking for


Trump, is that you?
You Trump people are racists and thieves


Yeah, because only Trump and his supporters could oppose coercive income redistribution! (Sorry for the big words, "user.")

It would appear from the comments on this board that "Trump" has joined "racist" as a favorite word among the low-info crowd. Tip: if all you've got as a counter-argument is shouting "racist!" you've pretty much got nothing.

See you at the next Mensa meeting, "user."


And remember, among the Stupid Left (where Saul Alinsky Meets the Dumbest Generation) a "thief" is someone who resists other people picking his pockets. How Orwellian!


This is a movie about a couple's first date. It's not about who pays enough taxes in America.


I wonder if Sweden has 45% of their population paying ZERO percent federal income tax, like we do.


Still waiting for the OP to define and quantify "fair share," but since that's a logical question, I'm sure the OP is having trouble with it.


under Eisenhower fair share was 80% of income for rich billionaires.
America was strong under Eisenhower.


The income tax in unconstitutional and immoral. Every person has the natural given right to keep the fruit of his labor regardless of income.

"I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you've earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else's money" - Thomas Sowell


Warren buffet and Bill gates don't need 50 billion. They can have luxurious life with 10 million. Why not give the American people the rest of their billions?


Warren buffet and Bill gates don't need 50 billion. They can have luxurious life with 10 million. Why not give the American people the rest of their billions?

Give us the exact mathematical formula to divide it among everyone in the country. Should the people who make six digits get the same as the people who make five digits in this fantasy of yours? There are metropolitan areas in the country where even if you make 100k/year, you still can't afford a great living, like NYC, parts of NJ, Boston, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, etc...

And BTW, genius, compared to the homeless and starving in this country, you're considered rich and living a luxurious life...why aren't you sharing your home and food with them?


Billionaires and corporations are sitting on several trillion dollars hoarded in their offshore and American bank accounts. If regular Americans got some of that money, they would spend it on goods and services and the economy would skyrocket. Just imagine how the economy would grow if it is infused with 3 trillion dollars that is being hoarded by the rich.


Billionaires and corporations are sitting on several trillion dollars hoarded in their offshore and American bank accounts. If regular Americans got some of that money, they would spend it on goods and services and the economy would skyrocket. Just imagine how the economy would grow if it is infused with 3 trillion dollars that is being hoarded by the rich.

That's adorable, but you didn't answer the questions. Let's try again...

Not sure which orifice you pulled this "3 trillion" number from, but what's the formula for dividing everyone ELSE's money fairly among all the people in the country? Following your stupidity here, 3 trillion divided by 350 million (to cover those here legally, and those that are undocumented and hidden from the census) is only about $8570. Just how long do you think this one-time injection of cash is going to stimulate the economy? After about a year, the same industrious, intelligent, risk-taking entrepreneurs will be right back to working hard and making more money than the lazy and entitled who've already blown through that small amount of cash and who will again, be demanding that someone who has more money than them, hand it over to them. In this idiotic socialist pipe dream of yours, should the person who makes $90k/yr get the same amount as the person making $25k/yr? Even better, what's the threshold for "rich" and for those to receive it? The 1%, according to the IRS, is around $370k to 380k a year. So, is someone making $365k/year a recipient while someone who makes $370k someone who has to pay?

And compared to the homeless and hungry right here in this country, YOU are considered rich, and you're hoarding your home and your food...why won't you share your house and food with a few homeless people?

Come on, Snowflake, define the parameters and explain why you won't share your own comparative can do it!


"Warren buffet and Bill gates don't need 50 billion. They can have luxurious life with 10 million. Why not give the American people the rest of their billions?"

As much as I dislike those globalists, the American people did not earn those $50 billion. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates WORKED for that money. They WORKED. Maybe if you WORK HARD, then perhaps one day you will have your own $50 billion to give away.



"Warren buffet and Bill gates don't need 50 billion. They can have luxurious life with 10 million. Why not give the American people the rest of their billions?"

You mean, like it actually belongs to them?

Statists feel the need to play God; and apparently the OP thinks God or some supernatural being delegated him to decide how much of their earnings people are entitled to keep, and then take it away from them.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray "user" my soul to keep. . . .

As I often say, there's no arguing about religion--especially with adherents of THIS religion:


I stand with President Obama.

Here is his remarks:

if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.


You don't make a fortune of 50 billion by working. They stole, they exploited, they cheated American workers out of 50 billion.


Do the rich in America pay their fair share?

Yes, several times over. They also pay most of your "fair share", so be grateful.

The Personal Income Tax Rate in Sweden stands at 57 percent. Swedish people have a higher standard of living than americans.

And much lower ethnic diversity! Hmmm...


America will be more socialist with time. Capitalism is unsustainable.


Socialism NEEDS capitalism to survive!


Yes, much like a parasite needs a host body to feed off.


Socialism NEEDS capitalism to survive!
Without capitalism you wouldn't have had the option of purchasing the computer, laptop, or whatever device you are operating to use the internet.
Seriously, take a trip to Venezuela and if you like spending $700 for a SINGLE CHEESEBURGER, then come back and continue to promote socialism here in America where burgers are as cheap as $1.


You're the one not paying your fair share. So, fork it over, you greedy chicken sht.


So if you think it would be fair for all the rich people in this country to give their money to the poor then how about this, you take that free money that your beloved Oblabla gave you and give me two thirds of it, but you can't ask why you just have to comply.
Yes I am a middle aged white man, and no I am not rich. In fact I am very far from it.
I don't lay on my a$$ all day long complaining about how bad I have it, I drag myself out of bed every morning and go to work.
With the way my bad back feels I would love to stay in bed but I can't because I don't get free money, cars, house, food, cell phone, medical care, and also have the pleasure of yelling racism at every white person I see.
Pull your head out of your a$$


I want Bill Gates and Warren buffett to give their billions to the people. They can live very good life on 10 million.


I want Bill Gates and Warren buffett to give their billions to the people. They can live very good life on 10 million.

Derpys like you are so easy to obliterate.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are worth a combined $154 billion. If you "took" all of that money (you know, because it's so liquid, and all), and divided it among the approximately 350 million (documented and undocumented) people in the country, it would give everyone a whopping total of $440. Yup, that ought to solve the country's economic problems and wipe out income disparity, all-righty! Unless you want to explain who, specifically, would get this pilfered money...does the person who make $50k a year get it? How about the person who makes $75k a year? Itemize it by tax bracket for us, Sparky.

Besides, I want you to share your home and food with at least three homeless and starving people, because you'd still be living a very good life compared to them, too. Why aren't you doing that?'s amazing how greedy and selfish your are.


You know I could use $440. Imagine how the country will thrive if all that money is injected into the economy. Every dollar spent by regular folks will generate $3-4 of additional economic activity.


You know I could use $440. Imagine how the country will thrive if all that money is injected into the economy. Every dollar spent by regular folks will generate $3-4 of additional economic activity.

Yes, Derpy, I'm sure that's a lot of money for someone like you that lives in their mommy and daddy's basement, and that you seriously believe it will wipe out income disparity, our national debt, unemployment, and all other economic ills of the country as unicorns and rainbows rain down from the heavens. And never mind the fact that a lot of people in the country get orders of magnitude MORE than that back each year in tax returns and it STILL has no effect on wealth distribution... All your blatant and laughable ignorance on these facts aside...try answering the questions. Who gets that money? The person who makes six digits a year? The person who makes $50k/year? Why would a person who makes $100k/year get the same amount of that pilfered money as the person who makes $45k/year, or the person who makes $25k/year?

And for the third time...why aren't you sharing your home (well, your basement, in your case) and food with a few starving and homeless people in the country? You know, they could use some food and a roof over their head...After all, imagine how the country will thrive if we no longer had homeless and starving people. These must be really difficult questions to answer.


can you tell me why anyone would need a 10 bedroom house or 20 cars?

rich people create policies that hurt regular folks for the sake of profits.


can you tell me why anyone would need a 10 bedroom house or 20 cars?

Sorry, Snowflake...I'm not answering any questions until you answer the same questions I've asked at least three times, now. Who gets that piddly little $440 dollars you just stole from Gates/Buffet? Does the person who earns $100k/year get the same amount as the person who earns $25k/year? And why aren't you sharing your basement and your food with a few homeless and starving people?


Because in a free society, what people have is not based on what you think they need, snowflake.

You may now return to sucking obama's dick.


can you tell me why anyone would need a 10 bedroom house or 20 cars?

First tell us who died and made you the sole determiner of what people "need"?


You Trump people are racists and will be humiliated in November. Hillary will destroy you


How? Tell all how that cun+ is going to destroy me? I do not answer to her, you or any other obama dick sucker.


Hillary will destroy you

That frail, elderly scold can't even "destroy" the common cold!
