I'm not a Christian, but...

I really liked this movie. Cried several times. Some of the scenes hit close to home because I experienced them with my little sister...only she wasnt granted a miracle and I had to watch her die. Still, great movie. It's entertainment and a story to make people feel hopeful and better about bad situations. Unfortunately, that's all it is.


Am sorry for your sister


My condolences for your sister.

I thought one of the most profound moments in the movie was when the mother spoke about small miracles appearing in which ordinary people helped those in need find some happiness.

For instance, the waitress taking the girl to the aquarium made her happy or the airport worker allowing the family to get on the plane. Each of us can create miracles by helping each other.


Agreed......and very happy ending after the tears..!

Condolences for your sister's death, by the way.
