This reminds me of the hunger games boards

Literally a wall of spam that makes any actual discussion impossible. How does IMDb allow this???



Do you consider Atheism a cult? Because if so that's what I'm a part of I guess lol.

But I'd love to talk about the documentary. I would even say that the documentary is anti all religions to be honest. It's called the prison of belief and it tells you it's always a good idea to question extraordinary claims in my eyes.

As far as other religions being cults I agree, to an extent. I believe that there are dangerous cults and more benign ones. Like the small southern Baptist church I grew up in didn't ever threaten anyone with violence if they didn't give money or stopped coming etc.

And there are documentaries about the other extreme cults. Like ISIS, the Catholic Church, Jonestown, Zionism etc.

But why on earth would anyone want to talk about Christian beliefs here? There are plenty of boards for that(gods not dead for example). This is a Scientology board so of course people are going to make that the focus man.

