I'd love to hear Tom cruise rebuke this doc

It's a ponsy pyramid scheme at best and a dangerous cult at worst

What is he thinking??



same as me not caring about any of your smug superior comments



Block the troll. I did. It significantly raises the intelligence level of the entire board.


What is he thinking??
I can't people still don't get this after watching this film.

Part of the process when you join is revealing ALL of your inner most secrets. Cruise and Travolta get duped into joining and at first honestly think it is legit so they make the fatal mistake of revealing all of their skeletons. Then once they find out that it is a scam it is too late. If they threaten to leave then they threaten to reveal the skeletons. I'm sure Travolta's and Cruise's skeletons are that they are gay or probably something worse.

My Vote history: http://www.imdb.com/user/ur1914996/ratings



What is he thinking??
He's not.


OH YOU MEAN the person who actually bans anyone, anywhere, anytime from asking him about it?

the person who deflects questions ahead of time by having his people put out there that cruise will ONLY talk about his movie he is promoting when he is being interviewed! NICE ATTEMPT AT A DODGE! THE ONLY TIME HE IS INTERVIEWED IS WHEN HE'S PROMOTING A FILM!...

COWARD! i mean why ban something so so important to your life tom, that YOU YOURSELF claimed you are first and foremost a scientologist! you are the most dedicated scientologist the leader knows, you even got a medal for it! why ban questions? i mean isn't it your JOB to defend it, to talk about it, to tell the world how everyone i repeat EVERYONE is lying about it?!..

why ban questions if you don't know ANYTHING wrong or bad is and has been going on!..

his silence is deafening and he is guilty by association! when was the last time he has sat for a no holds barred interview? and i don't mean the ass kissing late night talk show appearances either! it's been years and years! he's a coward and morally bankrupt person!...shocking that he doesn't even think he OWES it to us, the public, who made him in the first place, ANSWERS OR A DEFENSE OF IT OR SOMETHING!!...


Surely if he came out and ruined the name of Scientology they any info they have on him would be recovered and protected? No.
And if not surely the media have some sort of code not to go and paste it all over the place. Wishful thinking I guess

Either way, he'd be a *beep* hero if he came out and admitted it was a sham and he was pressured into staying quiet. Maybe people and the media would respect that act of bravery enough to help protect whatever secrets they do have on him.



what i don't quite understand is: let's say they have information on cruise that would ruin his life and career... 1) couldn't he say it was all a lie to ruin him and smear him 2) even if they had audio or video and sold it or gave it away to some sleazy media organzation and they ran with it and publicized it, couldn't cruise sue both them and scientology? and he could still somehow show that the proof was doctored or somehow not true? 3) wouldn't this make scientology look horrific and in the short and long run hurt them BIG TIME including the fact that their poster boy for it left it and denounced it?!....

i guess if they DO have information on cruise, that they, the cult are hedging their bets, thinking along the lines of "oh sure, it may hurt us a bit if cruise leaves, but with all our billions will still survive someway, somehow but what about him meaning cruise? it would literally ruin literally destroy him, he wouldn't dare risk this, he wouldn't survive but we would, that is why he stays in?...

it's a "you kiss our ass, we'll kiss your ass" scenario?...
