Is Going Clear about all cults?

Only a retard would continue trying to divert attention away from the natural, logical focus of
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief

When such a person calls someone else a retard, just consider the source. In this case, the source really wants the Going Clear Board to be about something other than Scientology.

If you want to talk about cultists and all cults, there is a place to have that discussion. The Going Clear Board, which is about Scientology, isn't the place.


Despite its feeble attempt to control the Going Clear Board, The_Strangeler has proven itself too much of a coward to reply to this thread. This is because The_Strangeler knows that Going Clear is about Scientology.

Going Clear isn't about other religions. Going Clear isn't about The_Strangeler's obsession with Tom Cruise, David Miscavige or John Travolta. Instead of fulfilling his homoerotic fantasies, The_Strangeler should consider being a real man, admit to the wrong he's done and apologize for his failed , two-year campaign to divert attention from the natural, logical focus of Going Clear.
