OT: Father Guido Sarducci wasn't a Scientologist...

... and yet SNL used the character to make fun of religion during its early years.

If The_Strangeler actually watched SNL during this time, it couldn't honestly believe that Saturday Night Live only makes fun of Scientology.

But, because The_Strangeler is so in bed with Scientology, it whines and cries whenever anyone says anything even remotely critical of the Scientology cult.

If The_Strangeler were honest, observant, or even remotely inquisitive, it would have to admit that Saturday Night Live isn't biased against Scientology.

Will The_Strangeler's campaign of diversion ever stop? Will The_Strangeler finally show evidence of having a personality?


Why is The_Strangeler too cowardly to admit that The Going Clear Board is about Scientology?

Is it possible for The_Strangeler to be any more delusional about the natural, logical focus of this board?

Why has The_Strangeler chosen to dishonor her mother and father by continuing her failed campaign of diversion and distortion?
