Scientology's response to Going Clear

Scientology's take is pretty - lets just say - enthusiastic.

I found especially interesting the "tag lines" they gave to the ex-members featured in the documentary. Just by themselves doesn't exactly refute that the church/cult is a bit aggressive.

Marty Rathbun
A Violent Psychopath

Mike Rinder
The Lady Killer

Yvonne “Spanky” Taylor
The Drama Queen

Marc Headley
The Soulless Sellout

Jason Beghe
The Raging Bully

Tom DeVocht
Consummate Crook
And it goes on from there, with in-depth links to the "dirty secrets" for each. Just for example read this one.

Do love how they twist what Rinder said he did at the instructions of the church into "what a horrible guy he is." How long it is is a statement. And this was one of their top guys for years.


It's funny how all these terrible people were so great when they were in Scientology but once they leave they're suddenly evil incarnate. So did they learn that in the cult? Not a great endorsement of their tech if they keep churning out all these bad eggs.



It's funny how all these terrible people were so great when they were in Scientology but once they leave they're suddenly evil incarnate.
maudisdottir -- we are talking about an organization that insists no member can even talk to those who leave, including the members of their own family if they stay in. Seems you are either part of their special world or you have joined the rest of us in the actual world who are the enemy. Sorta of a gang mentality.


Funny how anyone who is critical of Scientology is a criminal of some kind. Hubbard tought them that. They don't even realize how @ssholish they look.

Check out this protest video from 2009.



Funny how your obsessed with cults. I'm starting to think you belong to one.



Believe me -- it gets VERY old.


I agree with you lasershark1.



Lol not really. You need to accept the fact that you don't have your facts straight about religious people. You need to accept the fact that you need some manners. You need to accept the fact that the world is full of people with differing opinions and beliefs than you. You need to accept that your opinions are not facts but opinions there buddy.



You need to accept the fact that you don't have your facts straight about religious people. You need to accept the fact that you need some manners. You need to accept the fact that the world is full of people with differing opinions and beliefs than you. You need to accept that your opinions are not facts but opinions there buddy.
Now if every one did that IMDb would wither on the vine. Like it or not at times folks who refuse to do such keep the boards active at least.


It doesn't take a detective to figure out who benefits the most from The_Strangeler's eight-month campaign to divert attention from Scientology.

Also, many smart people can see the parallel in The_Strangeler's baseless assumption about Scientology critics (they're all jealous "cultists") and the CoS wildly illogical assumption that all Scientology critics are criminals.

What kind of person would make such baseless assumptions on the Going Clear Boards for eight months, but still fail to take two hours to sit down and actually watch the documentary?

A reasonable person could assume that such a person is unable to watch Going Clear, because their religion bars them from doing it.

I have every reason to believe that The_Strangeler is a Scientologist.



Didn't check that out before. The lady is screwy as heck....but she never even says anything that makes her a Scientologist though. Seems her main concern was about being freaked out cause she couldn't see people's faces.

So not sure you can put that on the "church".....plenty you can on their official websites though.



Funny how anyone who is critical of Scientology is a criminal of some kind.
Don't like to buy into prejudicial generalities, but both are true in my case at least. :)



Don't get too interested. Not in current violation of any criminal statute I know of....and paid my time for the crime long ago.


Funny how anyone who is critical of Scientology is a criminal of some kind. Hubbard tought them that. They don't even realize how @ssholish they look
Way it works in gangs, cults (standard definition of that) and in IMDb flame wars.



Funny how anyone who is critical of Scientology is a criminal of some kind. Hubbard taught them that. They don't even realize how @ssholish they look.
Pretty clear that you are either with them or not with them, and if you are not that means "Fair Game" applies. That means that you can do anything to the apostates, legal, moral or not....and get points back at the home office for it.

And truthfully don't think they care how that makes them look. They have their own little world going, and it is not yours or mine.


That's the thing with cults. Cults protect their own, but as soon as those people escape from their clutches, those same people become the very definition of evil.

These Scientology smear campaigns say more about the CoS than it does about those who escaped and exposed their cult for what it is.

Even those critics who weren't inside are subject to Scientology's wrath. Scientology never defends their religion. They always attack their critics.



Frankly, I find each and every person in this docmentary ridiculous. Good for them that they managed to get a saner perspective on life, but that deluded sense of superiority that made them join in the first place still shines through time and time again in many of the interviews.


Good for them that they managed to get a saner perspective on life, but that deluded sense of superiority that made them join in the first place still shines through time and time again in many of the interviews.
Guess there is the mindset that got them attracted and then the history of what happened while they were in. Hard to sort out which is which after the fact though.



If Scientology were really effective, they wouldn't have to write so many negative articles about people who have left. Instead, they could attack worthless scoundrels like us who criticize them, since we never experienced their glorious tech for ourselves.

Were Rathbun, Rinder, Taylor, Headley, Beghe and DeVocht so despicable before they got mixed up in Scientology?


Were Rathbun, Rinder, Taylor, Headley, Beghe and DeVocht so despicable before they got mixed up in Scientology?
That I really don't know, but how completely evil they became after being embraced, touted and in many cases put in top power positions within Scientology before they left is an interesting juxtaposition.

Call me skeptical....but seems the main factor involved is whether you are a Scientology members in good standing or not. Think any qualified statistician could have a field day on that one.
