Going Clear in three minutes


Thanks to Saturday Night Live.



Is this a new one, or is it the same video you've posted previously? If new, does SNL also make fun of the other lunatic cults, such as chri$tianinanity or judai$m? Or do they stick to safe and easy targets, as usual?
It's the same one Strangeler. I figure if you put out the same message umpteen times over, least I can present something for people who come to the board that actually pertains to the documentary.

Seems last thing you can do is call foul on that.



Oh, I see.

So, would you like to see SNL skewer the other cults, such as (but not limited to) chri$tianinanity, judai$m, etc? Do you think they ever will? Not just east targets such as Westboro bapti$t$ or catholic$, or the stereotypical "jew" foibles.
Absolutely I would. And as it is they do already.



No, they don't. They never have and probably never will.
Just look at Christianity, SNL has made fun of both the Pope and Jesus himself. And obviously the Church Lady was the personification of all fundamentalists to mock. Think the Christian God has come into play as something to make fun of as well.

Guess I just don't get how you say they "never have." Or maybe I should ask what you would like to see them do that they haven't? And I assume you know SNL isn't a Public Service Message. You need characters in a skit and laughs.

So you have two-to-three minutes. What could SNL do that would satisfy you as to going after Christianity?




So you have two-to-three minutes. What could SNL do that would satisfy you as to going after Christianity?
Already pointed out some of what they have done (and are the Pope and Jesus "fringe elements"?).



No one ever mocks je$u$
Have seen him put up as a buffoon more than once, just like the Pope. And yeah they've never done anything exactly like these three minutes, but at the same time they sure do spend a lot more time making fun of Christians.



Some chri$tian$. Only some,
Only so many people can be featured in one skit.

They've mocked Jesus and made him look like an idiot. There were even protests about it.

What other Christian figure would you rather see them go after. OR maybe I should say what more important Christian figure could they go after?

And if your answer is the Pope.....they've gone after him even more times. He was a regular at one point.



Disengenuousness. SNL didn't depict every single member of the $cientology cult, so why should they have to mock each chri$tianinanity cultist individually to make the point that cult is as horrific as any other?
Question was who else would like them to mock given they have already hit the top two?

But lets go back to the one I asked you before: "So you have two-to-three minutes. What could SNL do that would satisfy you as to going after Christianity?"

Strangler is Lorne Michaels for a day (or at least a skit). What would you do?



Michaels could flash up a title that says, "Hey, you know your beloved cults of chri$tianinity and judai$m? They're at least as stupid and destructive as the likes of the nutjob $cientology cult. At least as bad."
But it's comedy and not a public service message.

If flashed educational disclaimers is what you are looking for........well you get the idea.



Last I checked, Matt and Trey weren't PBS.
But seems you think SNL should be PBS. We are talking comedy here, even if for sure both SNL and South Park try to get a certain message out. So do Colbert, Stewart and whoever took over for him.

Again -- you are Lorne Michaels and run SNL.....what do you do?



Seen the South Park $cientology episode? Remember the big banner, "This is what $cientology cultists actually believe"? Why not go after the chri$tianinanity cult the same way
Part of the answer for why the banner is that everyone watching Southpark more or less knows what Christians do believe.


The_Strangeler would make the show entirely about bashing every religion, except Scientology.

After The_Strangeler forces SNL to constantly be against "cults" and "cultists," all of the commercials would promote Scientology, and CoS wouldn't have to pay for them.

This is The_Strangeler's idea of fairness, which would be remarkably similar to David Miscavige's ideal version of Saturday Night Live.

The_Strangeler is a Scientology Stooge.

Zero personality.
Zero credibility
Zero character.



I don't know if you remember SNL's Father Guido Sarducci character from the 1970s, but that character alone mocked Christianity on a weekly basis.

Only someone woefully ignorant of SNL would complain about their lack of satire against Christianity.

Do they allow SNL on Gold Base? If so, do Sea Org members ever have time to watch it between games of musical chairs?


Do they allow SNL on Gold Base?
Not even sure about that. Given that they don't let at least some people even make unmonitored phone calls, my guess is not though.


Thanks for posting that video. That's was pretty damn funny lol.

Check out this video. L Ron Hubbard discusses what his trip to the Van Allen Belt was like lol.



Funny as anything. Was that his actual voice or someone reading his actual words?


That's his real voice. There's a longer recording of him talking about that somewhere on YouTube. It was just audio. I couldn't find that video. I wanted to post the link to that one. I ran across that video I posted the link to while searching for it. I thought the effects were pretty funny that person added to it. There are quite a few Hubbard videos floating around YouTube. The Van Allen Belts is probably my favorite lol. Did you hear were he said space was hot LOL?


That's his real voice.....There are quite a few Hubbard videos floating around YouTube. The Van Allen Belts is probably my favorite lol. Did you hear were he said space was hot LOL?
Obviously he was delusional, but then I guess he was both that and smart enough to start a billion dollar "church." Probably his biggest thing was taking cult and turning it into big business. So he must have had some at least crafty too.


Great video. "It made me bite off my thetan fingernails a bit, don't ya know."


Love or hate Scientology....it certainly is a good and funny piece of work.


Nice send-up of the video they showed in the documentary.


Yep -- I thought it was brilliant. And they not only made fun of the video.....they went further by including all the major themes in Going Clear.


That is really great!
I like the tags they give people in the video.
"Missing," "Left in 2002," "In a hole," etc. because it is all so true.

Damn, I'm good.


Did you catch “thrown off a boat”? Those who have seen the documentary will get it.


Did you catch “thrown off a boat”? Those who have seen the documentary will get it.
Or Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master. When I saw that movie I knew it was loosely based on Hubbard and his "yachting" period. It was only when I read Wright's book that I understood how tight the fit actually was.

Hoping Hubbard wasn't quite as charismatic as Phillip Seymour Hoffman though.


I only saw part of that movie a while back. I'll have to watch it again.


It's good but ponders a bit. Definitely one to watch with attention. Visuals are amazing. So some might like it and others not. Should be of interest to anyone with an interest in Hubbard though.


“Died of pink eye.” This gets funnier each time I watch it.


Three words: Father Guido Sarducci!


Father Guido Sarducci!
Yeah -- SNL attacks anyone and everyone. The Pope and Jesus too.


What's in the video? It's geoblocked😭


It’s an SNL satire of a Scientology promotional video featured in the documentary. They do a very good job with it.


Agreed -- an clearly at least whoever wrote it not only saw Going Clear, but read the book too.


I especially like how Bobby Moynihan kind of looks like Hubbard.


I especially like how Bobby Moynihan kind of looks like Hubbard.
All about the mannerisms.
