MovieChat Forums > Kicks (2016) Discussion > should be Oscar nominated and please rel...

should be Oscar nominated and please release this soundtrack on vinyl

it probably won't be, but no, a movie about a bear attack and a woman who invented the no touch mop did.....are you kidding me?

and Leo finally got an Oscar where he barely had any lines...stupid Hollywood.


It was an interesting movie but I would HATE for this to be nominated for an Oscar. Another movie about poor, minority kids with no identity (or parental supervision) doing ignorant stuff in the hood. No thanks.

"They told you you were stupid, ugly and doomed to fail............and you believed them." 


... This doesn't have a chance in hell. I like this movie but it is about dumb stuff happening over Brandon having his sneakers stolen. Compare that to what Fences has, Moonlight, what Hidden Figures may have and then try to put Kicks in that equation. I don't even think this will get awards on programs dedicated to Black folk. It didn't get any from the NAACP.

