Geography Round

I noticed that on one of the questions that was asked in the geography round, there could have been two answers to the question. The question was, "What continent is the city of Athens on?" The two answers could have been Europe or North America. Greece, which is on the continent of Europe, Canada, which is on the continent of North America, and United States, which is also on the continent of North America, all have at least one city with the name of Athens.

Greece: Athens, Attiki, Attica

Canada: Athens, Ontario

United States: Athens, Alabama; Athens, Arkansas; Athens, California; Athens, Georgia; Athens, Illinois; Athens, Indiana; Athens, Kentucky; Athens, Louisiana; Athens, Maine; Athens, Michigan; Athens, Mississippi; Athens, Missouri; Athens, New York; Athens, Ohio; Athens, Pennsylvania; Athens, Texas; Athens, Vermont; Athens, West Virginia; Athens, Wisconsin

The answer the child gave was Europe which was accepted as a correct answer by the judges. If the child gave the answer North America, would the judges count that as an incorrect answer or would they accept that answer? If they would not accept that answer, I would protest it by talking to them and explaining my reason for that answer.


That's an interesting point, but I feel like they were only concerned with the famous Athens.
