Advanced Science?!

*SIGH* Another absurd round -- in what way, shape, form or matter was that advanced bleeping science?!!!!


Ugh. So sick of them pushing this stuff as "college-level material." I don't know if the show is trying to fool us as the audience, or just themselves.


> Ugh. So sick of them pushing this stuff as "college-level material." I don't know if the show is trying to fool us as the audience, or just themselves.

Tune in to "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader" some day. Most Americans are not smarter than a fifth grader. So, the material you see on this show is probably about right for "college level."

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I remember what grades I learned most of this stuff. Some of it was middle school. Some of it was high school. NONE of it was college (except MAYBE some geology, which was basically just a review of earth science I took in 8th grade.)

I homeschool my son. He is an 8th grader. He knows most of this material. The only thing he might not know is the computer science as that's not something I've ever taught. He reads a lot, though, so he might surprise me and know that information and I might not even be aware of it.


> I homeschool my son. He is an 8th grader. He knows most of this material.

Excellent! So, we'll be seeing him on next season?

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Haha! Heck no.


Tune in to "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader" some day. Most Americans are not smarter than a fifth grader. So, the material you see on this show is probably about right for "college level."

I remember having to take "College Algebra" my freshman year of college in the early 00s. It was so easy, I really wish I could have taken the final exam the first day and just tested out of it. The class was basically freshman and seniors trying to earn useless arts degrees who were "putting off the hard classes" until the end.

I got a "2" on the AP Computer Science test in high school and didn't get college credit. I still knew more material than in all the computer coding courses I ended up having to take in college.

There are clearly some schools and some degrees that are immune to a lot of this, but I think for the most part, college grads are just getting a very expensive "high school" education.

My grandparents never finished high school in the 1930s and 1940s and they probably had a better education at the time they dropped out than most college grads today.

No, not the mind probe!
