Sam and Claire

2 most annoying brats on the show


I agree. Being a gifted child should not give you the right to be rude to your parents ; or make faces at the camera when questions are read.


What i find sad regarding the issue is that the parents are reading all these comments from various people and choose not to take these insights as informational and take a closer look themselves to find some help for the kids, they would rather post excuses of why their child is acting inappropriately and ask for everyone to cut them some slack.

Did these parents not watch season one? They knew exactly what they were placing their child into and should of prepared them accordingly. Do they honestly think the viewers are not aware that they are followed around by cameras and spend countless hours cramming bits of information into their heads?

The behavior that each child displays is NOT created by the pressures of the show they were created long ago by their upbringing, most of the kids behaved very well while a few struggled.

There is only one child that i am truly concerned about entering the real world, and that is Sam. If they are not able to get a handle on his extreme anger issues this child runs the risk of endangering himself and any other person that may be in his path. He will have a hard time holding down a job with the "zero tolerence for violence in the workplace" that are in place today. He does have moments where you find yourself warming up to him but he destroys that before you can roll with it by outbursts of anger towards his parents and most shockingly other adults. Poor youngster, his crys for help through his anger are falling on deaf ears.


I am wondering if Sam may have ADHD. The impulsively, anger outbursts, perfectionism, and impatience all point in that direction.


Or Anger Overload possibly Oppositional Defiant Disorder - so many things it could be.


Granted they can be a bit obnoxious, but they are under a lot of pressure and a lot more scrutiny than most kids.

I do wonder if Sam's parents addressed his behavior after the show, or if he does not act like that under normal circumstances.
