Montage of Bleach

My video was just posted by Tom Grant and Benjamin Statler -

A lot of people think everyone fighting for justice are just these wacky "conspiracy" nuts on the same level as 9/11, JFK, etc. I wanted to show everyone that I'm a respected musician who also believes there was foul play. I hope we find more creative ways to help spread awareness. I don't think some people have the best strategies with organizing that march in Seattle or simply bashing Courtney on her social network. She simply flips it around and says that everyone is just being a troll. Maybe if people lay off the extreme accusations and just tell Courtney and her fans that there are now forensic and homicide experts who believe this case should be reopened.. hopefully that will open some eyes.

What blows my mind is that some people say "Ok, so what if he was murdered... who cares? It was 20 something years ago." I mean, there's some pretty obvious reasons I don't think I need to explain here, but something that most people don't think about is the huge influence Kurt Cobain STILL has on people. I keep meeting these kids on my music tour who love Nirvana. It's so sad that there's copy cat suicides and young people who get into hard drugs because that's what their hero needed to write great music. I've been to Olympia, WA a couple times and there's still a great community there that supports music and art. Kurt wrote most of those classic Nevermind songs while living there... not while living with heroin junkies.

"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with with your self-esteem. They're no good at all."

-Kurt Cobain


I can't view it at the moment because it's not clickable. Who is the respected musician that said that?


"I'm a respected musician" - I thought it was going to be someone famous. So it's not. Just another fan who happens to be a musician.


Whichever scenario - suicide or murder - you subscribe to, Courtney Love does not come out of this well. If it's suicide, she's partly a factor driving him to his death and fighting with him. She also got him heavily involved in drugs which increased his depression.

Kurt had a nasty side to him, but so did Courtney, and that becomes apparent the more I know about the two of them. In Courtney's defence, she is a mother, and that is partly clear in this film.

However the omission of Dave Grohl is a big no-no.
