What the phunk was that???

Seriously? What the hell kind of ending was that?


Well said. Sticking with this show was an absolute waste of time.


I'm just happy I binge watched it during the last week, and wasn't following it week to week since it started.


Sadly, I watched it week after week, hoping that the slow-paced tension would build to at least some type of satisfactory explanation for some aspect of the mystery. Instead all we got was B-grade clichéd answers for the predictable parts of the story, and more questions around the stuff that was actually interesting. I realise that they need to leave questions to be answered in the event of a follow-up series, but there is no way I'll be watching that if the pace of this series is anything to go by. The acting and the writing in this particular episode was appalling (as others have noted in previous threads). So disappointing.

On the plus side, the scenery was spectacular.


Glad I'm not the only one. What about all the clips of Fergus in the canoe and the plane under the water. Thought that was going to mean something????


Came here to say the same thing, so many questions with so many unanswered with that ending.


They needed at least another episode to explain exactly what happened because that was the most unsatisying conclusion to a tv series I have ever seen. First time in ages I've been remotely interested in an Aussie drama, and I feel like I got burned.


lol a lot of pissed off people on Twitter.


I never got the vibe that this was SEASON ONE. I thought it was just going to be a single eight episode miniseries, which makes that ending even more disappointing if that's all it's gonna be.


Likewise. It didn't occur to me that there could be another season until about 5 minutes before the end of tonight's episode when it became apparent that very little would be resolved. To be honest, if I had realised that possibility sooner, I'd have definitely stopped watching weeks ago. I only stuck it out due to my expectation of at least a bit of an explanation. I don't mind shows where there's a degree of working it out, filling in the blanks and identifying subtext, but setting a scene for 7.5 episodes with no pressure to actually provide any coherent narrative is just lazy writing. And if there is a season 2, I'll personally be staying away. I learned my lesson about these types of shows from "Lost!" They don't have any idea where they're going, they just like to build intrigue.


Well that answered my question, thank you. I watched the first ep and recorded all the others since. If there was a decent resolution I intended binge watching. Looks like I can save my time. Absolutely no interest in more Lost wank.


Well guess we all know now who was on the scedual 8 hallucinogens the scrip writers and producers......


So true!
