Why are they still drinking pee?

It's been proven many times over now that drinking your own piss will not help you survive. It's like telling people to drink ocean water while stranded, they have similar salt contents. If you're actually dehydrated then drinking your own piss will damage your kidney's and make you even more dehydrated. If you're fully hydrated then it's just disgusting. All real experts and medical science agree that you should never drink your own piss, especially in a survival situation. I know this is just entertainment but many people believe these are true survival skills...and they're not. They're all gimmicks for ratings.

And to top it off...they're in a freaking rain forest, you'd never have to drink your own piss anyway. Unless you're just curious about the taste I guess.


I don't know much about pee drinking but have always heard that it's bad, like you said, it's like drinking from the ocean.

And I agree, my thoughts were also, ITS BEEN RAINING ALL DAY...

Obviously for ratings


It's a reality TV TV show.


Oh really? I didn't know!

Doing gross crap for TV is one thing...but Bear claiming that it could absolutely save your life is another, it's a bold faced lie that could kill someone in a real survival situation. Reality show or not some people believe this garbage.



They only drunk about 20% of there pee the rest of it, the other 80% was water added to it and they boiled the pee first to make sure it was safe, it was for so called entertainment or drama take your pick.


I don't have a problem with pee drinking, that's one of the things I loved about Fear Factor, I just don't think it's right to pass off as a legitimate survival technique that can save lives. It's ethically wrong because a lot of people believe what Bear says and if some dummy gets in an actual survival situation and drinks their own piss they'll dehydrate themselves further and wreck their kidney's.

It's like telling people that proper gun safety includes looking down the barrel of a loaded gun to make sure it's safe.


The shows audience that are on welfare and spend all day in there trailer like to see that. Its fake and made up for excitement for them. It gets flat after awhile though because they can't do anything real.

