The Calendar

I thought that when Flora put them all in the right order and explained it to him that there would be a little more to it, they showed Sean bean looking through them in a few different episodes, and flora sitting on the floor trying to figure out the proper order and then she finally did it, shows it to him, explains it to him, and he just kind of glances at it a bit,, then later seems to start reading some of the writing,, and he does mention it to some of the main guys about a Monster,, but it really felt like they didn't flesh that whole part out, like it didn't really seem to have that OH SNAP! moment where all the pieces fell into place. Just seems like that whole part could have been done much better.
I liked the show, but it just seems to me that the build up of those pictures had a very unsatisfying conclusion.


Yea I thought that too. Barely gave her a nod or thankyou.
