oskur bait

this is oscar bait
maybe eddie murphy can get an oscar

Last seen: M:I Rogue Nation (9/10)


After the 2015 & and most notably the 2016 Oscars, Uuumm! KINDA DOUBT IT. The Powers that Be, has gone "Color CooCoo"!!


Yeah Will Smith was sooooooo amazing in Concussion 😂

Last seen: Carol (9/10)


I'm just glad Eddie's doing another drama. I have always wanted to see him do more of those. Comedians make some of the best dramatic actors.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Kinda doubt it? Really? The Oscars will be very 'colorful' this year. I predict at last one African American or other nationality included in each major category, whether they earned it or not, to keep from getting boycotted and blasted again. I would go as far as to say that at least one transgender man and woman will be included in a category for best actor and actress. It's not about the quality of the movies or performances anymore, honey. It's about not hurting any feelings.


I would go as far as to say that at least one transgender man and woman will be included in a category for best actor and actress

Candy Darling will be rolling over in her grave!!!


Eddie wasn't good enough in it to be up for an Oscar. The film wasn't bad, but it really felt like I was watching a movie made for the Hallmark or Lifetime channel.

It might get a supporting nod for the chick playing the mom, but nothing else is likely. He felt more like a supporting player in the movie to be honest, which isn't what you need if your the star of a show.


Never saw it that way at all myself. I thought Murphy shone in this, (and believe me, I'm no fan, I think he's terribly unfunny as a comedian), I didn't get that he seemed like a supporting player, thought he was front and centre.
Hope he at least gets a nomination.


Go watch it a second time but his time remember that the movie was intended to be made with Samuel Jackson as Mr. Church... When you watch it with that knowledge you see some areas where Murphy just wasn't cutting it and would sometimes seem to be attempting to act like Samuel Jackson would have in the same scene. Biggest fail Murphy had was the snapping at being asked about his private life, that scene just seemed contrived.
