Last time I checked, when someone is hoisted up in the air by a noose around their neck, they immediately start to choke and struggle, legs dancing, face turning blue, tongue sticking out, and slowly end up convulsing to death. They do not not react at all, aside from a couple of smirks and acting as though it's no big deal, and then closing the eyes as if going to sleep. Also, the rope was far too low on his throat.

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


You must hang people often. Lol
But yes, it did look stupid.


The same thought crossed my mind when I saw this scene. If you recall the scene in 12 Years a Slave where Solomon crosses the forest and sees the two slaves being hanged. That was a truly horrifying scene. The hanging scene in The Birth of a Nation was terribly unconvincing.


it is a movie chill most deaths are not shown in their true nature in films. For example if you are shot in the chest you do not die quickly with your eyes closed and also when shot in the head you do not fall over ever so slowly and its a hanging all hangings are bad sorry it didn't feed your thirst to watch someone suffer


To an extent I agree with you in the sense that you don't see truly realistic deaths in the movies, but this was just completely unconvincing and took me out of the movie. If they hadn't showed the shot of the hangman pulling the rope or his feet hanging above the ground, I wouldn't have realized he was being strangled at the time. After having seen truly horrific hanging scenes in 12 Years a Slave, the disconnect and inability to suspend disbelief is far greater here.

I actually feel Nate Parker wussed out with this scene. Rather than present the death as being truly horrific, he decides to present it as peaceful and cathartic for melodramatic purposes.


I agree, this did not look like a hanging, it looked like someone wearing a rope around his neck, closing his eyes. The film was brutal and realistic in all the violent scene except this one, which looked totally fake.

"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"
