MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (2016) Discussion > About Killing Women and Children.

About Killing Women and Children.

First off you got look at things from the Slaves perspective. You have no will of your own. You are property and all your children will be property. Being subjugated for centuries might makes someone more then just a little resentful. Secondly lets not pretend that the American south was some kind of fairy tales land. Were everyone got along and only problem was slavery. Most of these people were violent hick rednecks. Who would probably shoot you if you looked at them the wrong way. Hell the were hanging Black People all the way up until the 1960's. When the Federal Government put there foot down. And put the out of control rednecks in there place. So if you were dealing with violent people and your bitter because your life is controlled my some rich *beep* who making money on your labor. Yeah you might not care who you kill.


"South"="Violent hick rednecks"
Yep this is why no one takes any of you racist piles of dirt seriously.


masschaos777, how the f#ck did you even decipher this idiot's rantings? The grammar and spelling seem to indicate a toddler with brain damage that somehow got access to his inbred parent's keyboard and internet connection.


Still doesn't excuse the murder of women and especially children. Children and I'm willing to be bet even women, had zero little control over the actions of the men. Women were not exactly equal to most men at that point in history.

Slavery is horrendous, but taking the life of a child is equally as horrendous. No matter the reasoning.

I look at it from the same perspective as I do with Vladimir Lenin. The people of Russia were living in poverty, while the royal family lived in luxury. The reasoning behind his revolt was sound. But it was his actions that turn him into a monster. What his people did to the royal family was horrific. They carried out the murders of the entire family, even though they were offered asylum in Britain.

As far as I'm concerned both Parker and Lenin's reasoning was just. But when you start murdering innocent children, in the name of your cause. Your cause loses all validity, and you become as bad as those who are oppressing you.


when you start murdering innocent children, in the name of your cause. Your cause loses all validity, and you become as bad as those who are oppressing you.

It's ironic that all Turner managed to do after inciting those slaves was murder an 18 year old girl. They had not the balls nor the capability to face the actual men responsible for their enslavement, not unlike BLM today who just make nuisances out of themselves and complicate regular people's lives.



>> Slavery is horrendous, but taking the life of a child is equally as horrendous. No matter the reasoning.

Not in the least. You kill one person ... yes it is bad, the worst capital crime,
but if you enslave someone you steal their life, their labor, their death and
their children.


i'm with you, OP.

nat turner and his compatriots did what they felt was necessary, being enslaved and wanting their freedom.

when you're trying to survive, there are no rules of engagement. there are no niceties.

collateral damage.

i think that the white people on this board who are trying to pretend as though an enslaved person is supposed to feel some sort of empathy for the white people around them are seriously deluded.

of course the enslaved rebels would slaughter anyone who was in the way, and might even feel vengeful and slaughter white women and children as well. it's not that hard to understand.

was it moral? no.

was it necessary? to them, it was.

don't none of these white folks on this board feel a drop of empathy for black women and children being abused, raped, and slaughtered during any time period in any context, so they can miss me with the B B B BUT THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN.

you enslave a human being and treat them like they're worthless, that's what happens. reap what you sow.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."



It's just unthinkable that you could try to justify the murder of children for any political cause. Have you really stopped to think about your position?


It's just unthinkable that you could try to justify the murder of children for any political cause. Have you really stopped to think about your position?

lol, i don't feel a drop of sympathy for the white kids that got killed in that time.

white people didn't feel sympathy for african enslaved children at that time. and they don't feel empathy for black kids today either.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


If the murders of women and children were "good" murders (according to some here) then why were they not included in the movie?


No murder of children is a "good" murder.
No one rejoices ovr it, but what irritates me is the selective outrage. How many men, women and children did the slave masters ( and white people in general) kill for CENTURIES before nat turner was even born? ( and long after! Google "alligator babies, please!)

If you were born to this society only to be raped, tortured, worked to death or killed for no reason ( maybe just because you looked someone in the eye) How would you feel?

To answer that question, look at 9/11 and what a few Muslim extremists did to America and how , to this day, white nationalists have no problem with invading other countries and kill as many "arab" men, women and children ALL OVER THE WORLD as a result of this SINGLE event.

Btw america also has a special day for a man who not only enslaved indigenous populations, but also practiced mass genocide to the point of wiping an entire tribe from the face of the earth ( Colombus)

Should I continue about " How the West was won?" A lot of Native americans would describe it better than me!


Right on. Americans fail to realize revolutions are messy. For a people with their history and bluster they wince when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, see also Americans' reaction to the French Revolution.


what is it you are referring to?
