season 2 final questions

just saw the final and it was a bit disjointed and left me with several questions

1. where was 80's ash during this episode, what stopped him arriving at the cabin

2. if ruby always arrived at the cabin before ash (during evil dead 1) then what stopped her from reading from the book, and birthing her spawn the first time.

3. if ash changed the past so that the whole of evil dead 1,2 and 3 never happened why does elk grove still remember the old time line which shouldn't have happened, the whole of season 1 and 2 would never have happened, cheryl , chet and ashes father should all be alive too.

4. if baal and ash made a deal using the magic of the book why was baal able to use his demon powers which the deal prohibited.


Pose your questions on the new Evil Dead forum:

I will answer them one by one, in a very detailed way.



1- Nobody stopped him at all. Old Ash materialized in the past ONE WEEK before Young Ash and Company would arrive at Elk Rapids and that's it.

2- No. Originally, she arrived after Young Ash had come back to 1982 after his "Army of Darkness" adventure. She never found the Book of the Dead.

3- We don't know. Maybe they travelled to an alternate 1982 and changed an alternate timeline, not their original timeline. The Elk Grove parade may be set in the original timeline.
Or maybe, the Elk Grove parade is just an illusion created by Ruby.

4- Because the deal was fake and Baal cheated. Ruby rectified this during their fight.
