Guess Who Made A Porno!

Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University student (now graduate) who carried her mattress everywhere as both a protest against her alleged rapist and as an art project for course credit, recently appeared in a pornographic art film titled “Ceci N'est Pas Un Viol”


And? So?


While it means little, it can be used to illustrate her character.


That she has done absolutely nothing illegal? That she has taken perhaps a different course of action than others might have?

What exactly does being in an "art film" illustrate exactly?


Pornography is often used to create a bias against the person. People have been ostracized for leaked videos (Michael Hoffman). In liberal Hollywood, some figures have been fired (Simon Rex) & scandalized (Dustin Zito). Christy Mack's porn career was used to imply dishonesty in her assault case against boyfriend/porn star War Machine. Porn actor "Johnny Rapid" said in an "in-character" interview that he enjoyed being sexually aggressive, which was framed to prove his "propensity" for sexual violence in a court case.

It's not evidence, but it's certainly used to create a negative perception of the person in question, and you know that. Don't act like we live in a world where people see things exactly as they are. We live in a world of spin.

Keep it civil. It's not that important.


Except she made the porno as a reenactment of her alleged rape. She said in interviews that the rape was so traumatic, she couldn't bare dealing with a trial in the eyes of the law. But it wasn't traumatic enough to film a pornographic reenactment of it? Yeah, sorry, that does speak volumes about her.


Even worse.


Yeah, it was so traumatic that she initiated flirting with him on Facebook after the rape, saying she can't wait to do it again. That was the reason she lost the case. Despite all that, the boy was still handled like he was a rapist, even AFTER evidence showed he was not. The "rapist's family" is now suing the college and they have a strong case.

Campus kangaroo courts deny the accused of any due process and deny the accused to have any attorney represent the accused. On top of that, 50.1% probability is enough to convict, not 100%. It is also funded by the feminist movement. Are you saying feminist movement are victim-blaming the accused? Because whatever critics women have on campus courts, those courts are run and funded by feminist movement.

College boys are now in forums advising each other to immediately go to the police if any accusation comes up. Do you even grasp the farce of it?

Get your facts straight.


She lied about the rape and now made a porno, sounds pretty weird.


Lol, why doesn't that surprise me. I had just assumed with the mattress she was ready for action anytime, anywhere.


What action do you mean?

**Have an A1 day**



You can be raped and also do pornography. The 2 are not mutually exclusive.


Who does a reenactment porn about their alleged rape?


Someone who is likely a little bit mentally unhealthy due to their assault trauma. It still doesn't mean anything about the veracity of her claims of being raped.


Meaning what? Because someone made a porn film, it is OK that they can be raped? No logic to your post.


There was no rape, that's the point. This whole spectacle is a charade.


For falsely accusing a man of something so awful, something that can ruin his life, she should get the same punishment as a real rapist would. There should be a registration for rape liars.
