Couldn't finish because...

... of the way these girls talk. Apparently it's a way of talking that's quite fashionable in de US these days, but these girls sound like 500 year old witches! That creaking sound (which is, by the way, REALLY bad for your vocal chords) is simply unbearable to listen to. I hear so many young women do it when I watch something on tv or YouTube, it's truly horrible. I guess these girls think they sound sexy and interesting, but after half an hour of this documentary I simply couldn't stand it any longer. Morst girls do it at the end of their sentences, when your voice naturally drops, but some of the girls in the film have made it their only way of using vocal chords. It easily gave me a huge headache.

Well, let's see how long it will take them to make their way to the operating table, to have all sorts of polyps removed from their vocal chords. Or how long it will take them to realize, when listening to old recordings of themselves, how utterly dumb they sound.


It was probably the sexual assault that damaged their vocal chords...
