What. A. Load. Of. *beep*

Complete garbage. Gervais has certainly lowered in my estimations after writing and directing this tribe which once again showcases the factvthat S. Merchant probably is the brains behind most the wit of his success. GOD that was awful!


Stephen Merchant's solo project 'Hello Ladies' wasn't good either, I guess they need eachother.

I don't know why Gervais insists on making more movies, they have all been mediocre so far. But I'm still eagerly awaiting 'David Brent: life on the road'.


Hello Ladies wasn't amazing but I really liked it.

But im watching 'special correspondence' right now and I'm half hour in.
It's my second attempt after turning it off 20 mins the last time. Its absolute shyte.

These characters are unrealistic, the jokes are flat and embarrassingly outdated.


Watched it yesterday. Thought the characters were funny and over-the-top. Plenty of well placed jokes, guess it's all about taste. All in all a pretty damn entertaining comedy.


the strange thing is i think hello ladies would have worked great if Merchant had made it in UK, its much more british humor based and think would have done very well there. I actually enjoyed the series, but just dont feel it was right for the US tv market which is why it "failed"


I was being sarcastic. :)
