MovieChat Forums > Special Correspondents (2016) Discussion > As an ecuadorian i hated every minute of...

As an ecuadorian i hated every minute of that sh***

I found it not only humiliating and insulting but absolutely inaccurate


So you mean this comedy wasn't a documentary about ecuador and its culture but a silly comedy?
It was just a fun little movie, is not about accuracy.


It's not about being a documentary, it's about respect, to an entire country and to the hispanic people. It's about knowing the world a little bit far from your backyard... When humour have to ridicule an entire culture, represented by a country itself, then the humorist lacks of intelligence


Your taking it too seriously, it's just a dumb comedy, as an ecuadorian I though it was funny.




Ecuador is a real place? Ha! I thought they just made something up of a place outside of the USA.

Who knew.


As much of the 'humour' was poking fan at the ignorance of Americans/British that they think they can fake being in Ecuador with sound effects and stereotypes and the fact that the news stations bought it and believed it means the joke is on them.

The second strand was mocking the American/British way of faking concern for issues and causes when in truth the real motivation is self-promotion and self-celebratory back-slapping.

Yeh, sure the rural Ecuadoreans were shown as drug gangs/criminals. Add it to the insular and idiotic portrayal of British/Americans and everyone is getting offended equally.


You're a complete idiot. So what if it was about Australia and not Ecuador? that wouldn't bother you would it. You're too sensitive. it hurt you because maybe there was some truth in it...? otherwise you'd just laugh it off. Because even though I personally thought this was a terrible film. Because the jokes, acting and script were poor. At the end of the day, it was still just a comedy. Lighten up dude.





It's natural about being a documentará, it's about respect, to an entire country and to the hispanic people. It's about knowing the world a little bit far from your backyard... When humour have to ridicule an entire culture, represented by a country itself, ríen the humorist lacks of intelligence


On behalf of Ricky Gervais and ALL other ignorant people in the world I hereby apologize for the fact watching this movie made you feel sad. I hope you get well. But seeing you live in Ecuador, with all the war, gun-toting gangs, and its humourless inhabitants I very much doubt that.


War? Gun toting gangs? What the hell are you on about? I think you're confused with some other country. I've been living in Ecuador for 4 years and I've yet to see any of this.


I think you're lying.
You must be in New York and PRETENDING to be in Equador.


My god you are an idiot. Can't you understand a joke....comedy?

I think you've been there too long. The constand war, bombing and gangs have affected your brain....


What's funny about "respect"?


I'm confused. Was this movie about Ecuador? The only part that even might have been about the country, was that they were supposed to be reporting on the war there, and the small bit of landscape (that could have been anywhere really) that was shown as they were trying to get to the location they were originally supposed to be at and when they were escaping.

I thought the movie was about three idiots: one bumbler and two narcissists.

"Arguing with idiots is like trying to play chess with a pigeon..."


Did you miss the Americans clapping and crying over every patriotic cliche the wife could cram into her fifteen minutes of fame grab?

Lighten up. It's just a silly movie.

"Nothing is more ill bred than trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog."


But it was about America.

"I'm entitled. Simple. End of.."


let me explain to you from someone who knows very little - nothing about Ecuador
I know this is a comedy movie, after watching it I didnt believe for 1 second anything mentioned about Ecuador was based on any kind of fact, or is representative of the country. This movie has all kinda of problems imo but offending Ecuador - im sorry i just dont buy it.


Thank you!!!!

The next time I have an idea like that... punch me in the face! -- Lord Tyrion Lannister


Dayum, you need to chill.

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.


Dude, chill out. It's a fictional film.
