Sympathy for worms.

Did anyone else feel bad for the 'mother' graboid? Ever since Tremors 3, graboids have been portrayed as an endangered species, and here we have a new subspecies going extinct. And to use the egg as bait. That's low. Guess I'm just feeling sympathy for worms.


Same happened to me. The movie points out several times it's te last of its bloodline. Didn't feel that heroic to kill her and destroy the egg.


Yeah same here! Somehow the ending left a bad taste. The mother was just trying to protect its last child(egg). It's basic survival instinct and these morons are high-fiving each other. Kinda ruined the fun form me!


Well it's a case of "Them, or Us."

Everyone in the film was fighting for their survival. If the humans didn't kill all the species, that specifies would kill all the humans.

So they fought to eliminate a very huge threat. Now, it's been done. SO yeah, the Graboids and Blasters weren't evil -just doing what they do. But so were the people. All of them were trying to ensure the survival of themselves, and/or their kind.

It's like when Wars are fought. People get killed, and lives are lost -families left behind to mourn. It's nothing good about it. But the side that wins, will see it as a time to celebrate.

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!
