MovieChat Forums > The Gift (2015) Discussion > Dialogue that made me HATE Simon

Dialogue that made me HATE Simon

This dialogue pretty much shows, in a nutshell what a rotten, sociopathic bastard Simon was.

Holy *beep* I'm an *beep* Robyn, okay? I made his life a living hell and I treated him like *beep* Is that what you're trying to figure out? That I was an *beep* I was an *beep* okay? My dad was an *beep* to me, treated me like *beep* But I took it. I sucked it up. I'm not on my hands and knees crying about it, praying about it. Stuck in the *beep* past about it. I moved on. I made something of my life. This world's about *beep* winners and losers, and we're all in the same *beep* playground, you know? Guess what? That this guy lost and then he's moaning about it, is just him being stuck because he wants to be stuck because he can't get past the *beep* moment. He's not going to pull me back and apologize for something I don't know about, that I'm not responsible for, that I don't care about. I don't owe that guy *beep*

Yeah, what a horrible human being. People like him need to be shot in the face.


It's a stupid message movie meant to jerk gullible emotions around. It's a movie. It's made up. You think it's real. You turn it into some form of reality. Gullible nonsense.


Wow so I wonder if Simon drugged and raped another mans wife if you would feel the same about him. Or maybe you feel highschool jokes are worse.


I'm aware that it's only a movie and that what Gordo did was also bad. But there are alot of people in real life that are like Simon that have that way of thinking. That is what angers me.



We don't know that for sure...

 Soft In The Butt!! 



Actually, we do and hahahahaha72 is correct too....scooby-dooby-doo. 

The director/writer has stated that Robyn was indeed not raped; a deleted scene supporting this will be in the DVD extras. There were many red herrings, but in the end, we realize that Simon is the real weirdo, not Gordo. The mind-freak revenge on Simon was amazing....Gordo managed to break Simon and expose him as a sociopath to his wife, friends, and colleagues.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


As the director/writer has stated about his character- Gordo did NOT rape Robyn. With all the "red herrings", he wanted us to think that Gordo was the bad guy, while all along, the sociopathic bully was Simon. That was the film's unexpected brilliance.

What Simon did in high school was not simply a "joke"; he very cruelly and systematically destroyed Gordo's reputation and mental security much like the guy whose job Simon had just stolen - this reveals that Simon hasn't changed a bit. In addition, Gordo's father almost killed him. In other words, Simon never cared even a bit about the consequences of his actions. During the end's phone call, Gordo says to Simon, "See what happens when you poison other people's minds with ideas?" He wanted Simon to feel the mental anguish similar to what he'd put him through as a vulnerable teen.

The payback was appropriate because Gordo outsmarted Simon at his own games, and exposed him to Robyn for the lousy human being that he had been...and still was! Gordo finished off Simon by implying that the baby may not be his own, but that was simply a masterful manipulation. Gordo respected Robyn and never hurt her; the "drugged and raped" scene is another red herring. In the end, Gordo even referred to her as good person "who deserve good things."

Ps. The deleted scene that shows Gordo not raping the wife (i.e. walking away) is supposed to be on the latest DVD extras. I hope to snag that up soon and post the clip online with the link posted on the board.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)



I totally agree with you. See my other response in this thread. Gordon did not rape Robyn and was not the bad guy of the was Simon all along who was the manipulative sociopath, finally exposed for who and what he really is. Brilliant.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


