MovieChat Forums > Er ist wieder da (2017) Discussion > Q: What are your plans for the future?

Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: To make Germany great again.

Are we witnessing the 1930s all over again?

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


i will not set foot on europe until the parasites are blown away back to their sandholes.

i have absolutely no respect for islam. and i actively buy quorans in second hand stores as cheap toilet paper. lasts longer at 1/4 the price.


What makes you think you will be welcome?


Welcomed where? The sand hole that will be all they have left once the oil dependency runs out?


Welcome in Europe - pretty obvious from the context. No one likes an asshole - except other assholes.


Nah. Europe is slow and stupid, but its waking up. Its going to cleanse itself from the radical right wing authoritarianism that is islam.


Europe "woke up" in 1933. We don't need that kind of "waking up" ever again. But, it seems, people never learn from history.


Nah, Europe was forced to wake up in 1939, but yeah, it seems that the heroes stayed long enough to become the villains.


I don't think you understood what I meant.


You tried to imply that europe waking up was the nazis, but nazis was something that europe had to wake up to, same as islamists, who have a very similar ideology to nazism. They even share the desire to exterminate the jews.


The hatred Jihadists have of Jews is the only thing they have in common with the nazis.

And there is a reason I put "woke up" in quotation marks. "Germany, awake" was a nazi slogan. It was the nazis who believed that they were the awakened ones, that the rest of the world was blissfully unaware of the dangers of Bolschevism and Jewry. It was the exact same bullshit arguments which the modern equivalent uses to paint Muslims as the enemy. Different enemy, but the exact same arguments.


Well, it seems the world is still to this day blisfully unaware of the dangers of Bolshevism, what with all those cries to recreate the soviet union.

So you dont think that Muslims are conservative ideology? You arent aware that for the last 500 years they have kicked out or outright killed anyone that does not believe the same as they do? They are acting the same as the Nazis did, but because it wasnt europe noone cared i guess. And now Europe is too asleep to react when its done even there. I mean look at the war i Ukraine, most of the people in the western europe are more interested in electricity prices than literal war.


No, Muslims are no an ideology, conservative or otherwise. Muslims are human beings. They follow Islam, which - like any other religion - can be interpreted conservatively or liberally. There are already gay mosques out there - the first ones started appearing about ten years ago, which means they're about 20 or so years behind Christianity in that regard - but they follow the same liberal trend. You're claiming they are a "conservative ideology" (funny, coming from an arch-conservative like yourself) because they are where Christianity was in recent memory.

"But they whip and execute people for blasphemy and stuff!"
And I can give you examples of where Christians still burn witches. Just like Christianity is practised differently from place to place, so is Islam. You want to focus on the worst of the bunch, that's your problem, for doing exactly what the nazis did. You're focusing on a tiny minority to justify your judgement on the whole collective, which comprises some 2 billion of Earth's population. That's a quarter of all human beings. If they were acting like the nazis were, there'd be no one else left.

A psycho livestreamed as he murdered 51 Muslims in Christchurch, and people watching the livestream were cheering him on. But sure, it's the Muslims who are acting like nazis. In the West, there is far more violence against Muslims, than by Muslims. This violence is perpetrated by people who, like you, believe that Muslims are evil - and, like you, use the same rhetoric to justify their beliefs that the nazis used against the Jews.


Lets start off with dispelling your misunderstanding. I dont think Christians are much better. Like you said, they were the same not that long ago.

You should absolutely be judgemental of collective if that collective follows an abhorrent culture such as islam. Muslims are evil not because they are evil people, but because they are muslims. Its the ideology that makes them evil. If they werent evil - they wouldnt be muslims. And plenty of them abandon that hateful ideology. Good on them.


Islam is not a culture, either. It's a religion. Like all religions, it does _colour_ culture - but culture shapes religion rather than the other way around. That's precisely why religions change according to time and geography. It isn't Islam you have a problem with, but very specific Arabic cultures which happen to be Islamic. But not all Islamic Arab cultures contain the cultural elements you disagree with, so you attributing them to the religion is rather misplaced.

"But they attribute their deeds to their religion!"
Yes, indeed. But they would do that regardless of what religion they belonged to. A religious person will always dedicate his deeds to his God, no matter who that God is. It is entirely cosmetic. It is absolutely ridiculous to believe religion MAKES people evil. That would mean there's something MAGICAL about religion that can somehow cause it to make people act against their nature. Religion is what man makes it - NOT the other way around. Religion was made by man, after all. The only way for YOUR take on religion to be correct, would actually be if RELIGION ITSELF was correct. That is the logical conclusion from your reasoning, and why it is so ridiculous.

Also, how do you explain why some Muslims/Christians/Hindus/whatever are evil, while others are not? In each and every case, you can find the explanation in circumstances. Circumstances which make people evil regardless of what religion they follow. And that circumstance is very often this:


It's not random that conflict zones spawn terrorists. And indeed, if you look at their targets, they're not religious, either. 9/11 targetted World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Symbols for US capitalism and military power. You see, the motivation of Muslim terrorists is IDENTICAL to that of Christian terrorists. The backdrop is a conflict that, while having nothing to do with religion, nevertheless affects religious people. What do people do when they perceive they are wronged? They get seek to get even. If they risk their lives doing so, they turn to religion for COMFORT. We have seen this throughout history, and Christians have a far WORSE track record than Muslims. Again, not because of their religion, but because of circumstances. What religion does is the following:

1) Provide comfort by allowing people to think death isn't final, and that everyone will get their just rewards in the end
2) Serve as an echo chamber for one's own opinions

The second point bears elaboration: If you want peace and harmony with your neighbours, that is precisely what you will be looking for in your religion. And you will find it in abundance. If, however, you want confirmation that your neighbour is a poopy-head and you're in your right to treat him accordingly, you'll find that as well. Religion says whatever you want it to say - not the other way around. And the reason you want something is NOT because of religion.

Americans didn't hate the Japanese because the Bible told them to. The Irish didn't hate the English because the Bible told them to. The Russians didn't hate the Germans because the Bible told them to. And the Afghans didn't hate the British, then the Russians, then the Americans because the Quran told them to. Nor do Palestinians hate Jews because the Quran tells them to. Nor, for that matter, do Jews hate Palestinians because the Torah tells them to. In each of these cases, though, religion was/is used to justify hatred. And after each conflict, the same religions were/will be used to justify forgiveness and peaceful co-existence.

Religion is a reflection of man's nature. It has no power on its own. Don't blame religion for man's nature.


Now we can say the answer to your dumb question is "No."
